Ce script a été réalisé par Allthingsrobin sur le site Hood Winked.
This transcript was made by Allthingsrobin on Hood Winked.
Two Saracens walk cautiously down the street, looking around, their hands on the hilts of their scimitars. Nasir knocks on a door.
Gisborne waits, his back to the wall by the door. At the knock he turns, ready with his sword. The Sheriff, waiting on the other side of the door, holds out his ringed hand, then points to Gisborne. Gisborne opens the door a crack. Nasir shows his ring with the Sheriff ’s insigne.
NASIR : Sheriff ?
The Sheriff shows his ring, then steps backs and indicates to Gisborne to let them in.
SHERIFF, Chuckles, Whispers : Nasir... my dear boy. [Extends his arm, inviting them inside.]
Nasir and Karim step inside. The Sheriff stares at Karim as he enters and Karim curtly introduces himself to the Sheriff.
KARIM : Karim.
Gisborne closes the door. Both Saracens look around as they enter. The Sheriff looks over Karim.
SHERIFF : Very good. Oh, very good. [Circles behind Nasir, looking at Karim.]
NASIR : What is our plan ?
SHERIFF : You... are going to visit King Richard.
The Sheriff hands Nasir a flat object wrapped in cloth.
SHERIFF : You... are Saladin’s new messenger.
NASIR, Unwraps a flat round of marble : Salah ad-Din’s royal seal. [Sceptically] Where did you get this ?
SHERIFF, Glances at Karim : Saladin’s old messenger.
NASIR, Still sceptical : But there is also a password.
SHERIFF : Oh, yes, it was very difficult getting that. It was like pulling teeth. [Looks at Karim] It was... pulling teeth.
KARIM : When we get in... I kill him ?
SHERIFF : No-no-no. You won’t get to within a thousand yards of the King’s tent. [Looks at Nasir, Whispers] I want you to lure him out.
NASIR : How ?
SHERIFF : By telling him what he wants to hear. Peace.
Nadir smirks.
SHERIFF : Nothing... can stop us now.
The gang arrive in the Holy Land. They all have their weapons with them ; Robin’s scimitar hangs from his hip. Djaq, Robin and Much climb the bluff to the mainland. Djaq is delighted to see her homeland again, and wraps her headscarf around her shoulders, leaving her head bare. Will and Allan come up behind her ; Little John comes up behind Robin.
ROBIN : Right, lads... [climbs up between Much and Djaq and a step further]... work to do. Save Marian... save the King... and save England. [Steps forward.]
Marian, in a plain white dress, is sitting on a simple rope bed with her left wrist chained to a ring in the wall beside it. There is a small table by the stairs and a few scattered boxes and barrels as company. A small grated window is in the far wall. Gisborne comes downstairs with a bowl. Marian doesn’t look at him. He sets down the bowl on the table.
GISBORNE,Flatly : Food. You should eat. [Turns to leave.]
MARIAN, Stands :Guy, listen to me. Now that Robin is dead, you are the King’s last chance. If you save him from this plot, he will reward you with position and wealth. [They can hear the Sheriff talking upstairs] You’ll have everything you wanted.
GISBORNE, Whispers : And saving him from this plot, how would that work ?
MARIAN, Steps slowly to Gisborne, Whispers : Kill the Sheriff. The King will reward you. And... [glances away, deciding if she really wants to add this]... and I will reward you.
MARIAN : If you save the King... I will willingly give you my hand.
Gisborne swallows, mulling it over.
Gisborne comes up the stairs with a candle as the Sheriff reassures Nasir.
SHERIFF : (He is a Black Knight. I will trust him with my life. Ah, here he is now.)
Gisborne sets the candle aside and enters the room. The Sheriff is lying on a sofa.
SHERIFF : Ahh, how’s our leper friend ?
GISBORNE, Looks up from his thoughts, Absently : Whingeing as usual.
The gang approach an abandoned, damaged, stucco building above the city. Much and Will enter first. Robin’s manner is one of forced inhibition, his voice flat, trying to remain in control of his emotions while memories of being here flood his mind.
MUCH : And what if the King’s moved on ? What if he isn’t in Acre ?
Much sits down on an alcove’s ledge. Will peeks into a room through a doorway next to him. Little John enters and heads for the right side of the room. Allan follows him in.
ROBIN : Well, then we find Djaq’s uncle’s friend. [Leans on the wall outside the door.]
WILL : Bassam.
Djaq passes Robin as Much takes off a boot.
DJAQ : I’ll go check upstairs, OK ?
ROBIN, Nods : All right.
Much takes off a boot and empties the sand from it as Djaq heads upstairs.
ALLAN : What’s Bassam do then ?
MUCH, Tapping his boot : The pigeon-handler. Remember Lardner ?
ALLAN : Oh, the bird the Sheriff got with his buzzard.
Robin looks soberly to his right at the city below as Much puts his boot back on.
MUCH : Well, that’s what you think.
LITTLE JOHN : Switched pigeons.
ALLAN : You’re joking ! [Little John laughs, Chuckles] Oh, nice one !
Allan slaps Little John’s back.
ALLAN : So you got a message to the King in the end, yeah ?
Robin looks at Allan.
MUCH : Yeah. Well, no thanks to you.
Robin goes inside, following Djaq up the stairs.
ALLAN, Exasperatedly : Oh, look, I’ve told you a thousand times. I’m sorry, [Much smirks] boys, all right ? I’m back now. I’m one of the lads. Let’s just—
MUCH, Interrupting, looking up and away from Allan : Now hands up, who hasn’t betrayed the group ?
Much raises his hand, as does Will. Robin, at the top of the stairs, turns around to face Much. Little John holds up a finger.
ALLAN, Unamused : Oh, this one again. How clever.
ROBIN, With little emotion : Just leave it, Much, eh ?
MUCH, Smiling : Sorry.
ROBIN : We just want to find the King.
Djaq comes over to Robin.
DJAQ, Adds earnestly : And Marian.
Little John peers around the corner up the stairs at Djaq and Robin.
ROBIN, Quietly : And Marian. [Looks at Djaq.]
DJAQ : Robin ?
Robin quickly sweeps his glance across them all before following.
DJAQ : I want to show you something.
Djaq steps out to the balcony, sighs and points down below. Robin follows and leans on the ledge beside her.
DJAQ : See those two guards there ?
ROBIN : Mm-hm.
DJAQ : Saracen soldiers. That means this town is back in the hands of my people. The town is under curfew and it will be dangerous. The bad news is... your king will not be here.
ROBIN : Right. [Thinks a moment] We find your friend, Bassam.
Two Saracen guards are walking and talking down a street. The usual domestic noises can be heard in the background. Djaq, her headscarf wrapped round her shoulders and her sword in hand, peeks round a corner after them, nods to the gang behind her, then creeps down an alleyway. Allan, Little John, Will, Robin and Much follow. They all have their hoods up, except Little John, and a cloth over their nose and mouth, except Allan. She stops and peeks round the next corner, then crosses the street and presses her back against the wall. She clicks her tongue to signal the rest. Allan runs across, followed closely by Will and Little John. She holds up her hand to Robin and Much as two horsemen turn the corner and walk slowly down the lane. The three all press their backs against the wall to avoid being seen as the horsemen pass, talking to each other. The others have continued ahead. Djaq watches them go and Much pulls down his mask.
MUCH : Can I ask you something ?
Robin turns his wide eyes to his companion.
MUCH : Being back here... in the Holy Land... do you feel funny ? [Robin is staring towards Djaq] ’Cause I feel funny. [Robin pulls down his mask] We’re the enemy again. If these people knew we were English...
Unbeknownst to them, they have stopped against the wall to the Sheriff ’s house. Marian’s window is at their feet.
Marian is sitting glumly on the bed, her shoulders resting against the wall. She hears voices echoing outside, but can’t make out any words at first.
MUCH, Muffled : I’ve got a funny feeling... I just didn’t want to say anything.
ROBIN, Muffled : I’ve got things on my mind. Marian, Marian...
MUCH, More distinctly : If we don’t find Marian...
Marian perks up, thinking she heard her name, then it echoes in her head.
ROBIN, Muffled, echoing : Marian... Marian... Marian... Marian... Marian... Marian... We will get her back... Marian... Marian...
One of the last echoes of her name sounds vaguely like the Sheriff’s voice, and she exasperatedly shakes her head, tired of hearing the voices.
MUCH, Muffled : If we don’t get Marian back—
MUCH : If we don’t get Marian back—
ROBIN, Interrupting : We will find Marian.
DJAQ, Calls softly from across the street : Robin !
Marian hears Robin’s name clearly this time and runs to the window, but is stopped short by the chain. She tries to pull it loose as Robin and Much pass the window.
Robin and Much run across the street to Djaq.
Marian steps up on a small barrel at the farthest reaches of her chain and cranes her neck up into the moonlight, but she sees and hears nothing now.
MARIAN, Sighs : Get a grip, Marian. [She steps down off the barrel and kicks it over] Robin’s dead.
She shuffles back to the bed and sits on it, too overwhelmed to cry.
Robin and Much, their masks replaced, look for the others and hear angry voices speaking Arabic. Much sees them further down the street.
MUCH, Whispers : Saracens !
They both pull off their masks and push back their hoods. Saracen guards have found Little John, Will and Allan and have pushed them up against the walls, Little John opposite the other two, under a covered alley of sorts, and are searching them. Robin steps on Much’s laced hands and Much boosts him up onto the roof of the alleyway, with Little John watching silently. Robin walks noisily across the top and jumps down on the far side. Little John grabs his guard by the back of the shoulders. Will’s guard is still patting him down and Will uses the distraction to elbow him in the face. Little John holds the other from behind and Robin punches the guard in the stomach as Will and Allan grab their guard and slam him into the wall. Robin and Little John do the same as Much peers round the corner. Djaq has been spying around a far corner and comes running.
DJAQ : Three more this way !
The gang hide in the alcoves of the alley. Djaq, being chased by the trio of guards, runs in and hides as Allan and Robin get ready to intercept them. Allan presses himself behind a wall, but Robin steps out in plain sight, waiting for the first guard to throw a punch. Robin ducks, then grabs him round the neck and jerks him backwards as Allan takes out the third and Little John steps out from the opposite side and shoves the second man into the wall. Will comes out and kicks the first one that Robin is holding. Robin turns him around into the wall and kicks him as Much helps Allan with the third man. All three guards are dragged off the alley into the alcoves. Robin checks left, then right, laughing with delight.
ROBIN : Bassam’s house ?
DJAQ : This way.
Djaq runs off to her right and Little John follows. Robin motions all of them to pass him.
ROBIN : Go, go, go !
Much tosses him his bow.
Djaq enters, pulling her headscarf over her head, followed by Allan, Little John, Will, Much and Robin, all looking around in wonder. Cooing is heard in the background. Scattered in the walls are several niches, where pigeons sit behind wire doors. They can also hear a fountain.
MUCH : These are Bassam’s birds.
DJAQ : It’s as beautiful as I remember it.
Konnie, Bassam’s maid, leads her master towards his visitors.
BASSAM : Safiya ?
DJAQ, Turns around.
Bassam [speaks Arabic].
They greet each other in Arabic and with a hug. Will is smiling broadly.
BASSAM : You’re still alive !
DJAQ : So are you !
BASSAM : Me ? I’m always alive. My body might fall to bits, but I’ll still have to tend to these birds.
DJAQ : But you love them.
BASSAM, Puts his arm around Djaq : I love you.
Bassam and Djaq walk off together.
Will puts a pigeon back into its niche and bends the wire door back into place. He kneels down to look, then sees Djaq, her scarf off her head, watching him and smiles. Bassam watches Djaq talking to Will as she leads him to the low table where the others are gathered to eat. Will is listening intently.
DJAQ : When I was a little girl, I loved these birds. I thought that when I grew up I would live here and train them. The closest I’d ever get to flight. [Turns to Will] Do you understand ?
WILL : Yeah. [Smiles at Djaq] Yeah, I do, actually.
Djaq smiles. At the table, Bassam and the group are seated on large cushions around the low, round table. Robin and Much sit opposite Bassam.
BASSAM : Bismallah. [Reaches for bread.]
ROBIN : Bismallah.
MUCH : Bismallah.
Much starts eating, but Robin speaks in Arabic to Bassam.
BASSAM, Impressed : He speaks our language.
ROBIN, Chuckles as he lays his arms on the table, Amicably : Well, you speak mine. Seems only fair.
Bassam and Much each put a bite into their mouths.
ROBIN, Solemnly : I need to find our king.
BASSAM : Why should I help you ?
ROBIN : Because his life is in danger.
Konnie pours water for Much. Robin looks down as Bassam speaks.
BASSAM : You want to save him so that he can continue waging war against our people ?
ROBIN, Raises his eyes : No. I want to take him home and make peace [Bassam looks sceptical] so he can save his own people from some very unpleasant men.
DJAQ : Robin is a man of peace. Trust him.
Bassam looks around at all their faces. Robin raises his head fully.
ROBIN, Sincerely : Please.
BASSAM, Thinks a moment and relents : His camp is to the north. I’ll show you... in the morning.
ROBIN, Nods : Thank you.
Much continues eating. Konnie looks at them all with wide and calculating eyes.
Konnie sneaks through the streets and knocks at the Sheriff’s door.
Marian, at the end of her chain, tries to look out the window to see who it is.
Nasir opens the door. Konnie speaks to him in Arabic, which translates at least partly to “Visitors at the old man’s house.” She dashes inside. Nasir checks the street before closing the door.
Marian stands on the bed to try to listen at the ceiling, but the voices are too muffled to understand much.
NASIR, Muffled : Yes, of course she can be trusted. If she says they are there then they are there. I have thousands of spies everywhere.
The Sheriff remains calm upon hearing the news, unlike Gisborne.
GISBORNE : Robin Hood ? Not possible.
NASIR : Here in Acre, with his men, looking for the King.
SHERIFF, Shakes his finger, unconcerned : Not a problem.
GISBORNE : How so ?
SHERIFF, Whispers : They’re still looking for him, so they haven’t found him yet. Hm ? We are going to add a little something extra... to Saladin’s message to the King. We are going to get King Richard... to kill Robin Hood.
Gisborne stares at him. The Sheriff feigns fright and horror and bites his finger.
Nasir races a white horse across the sand. He stops as a party of six Crusaders walk their horses over a dune. The Crusaders stop, but one continues walking his horse forward and stops in front of the lone rider.
NASIR : I am the envoy of His Royal Highness, Prince Salah ad-Din, rightful ruler of these lands...
The Crusader removes his helmet and pushes back his hood of mail, revealing himself as Carter.
NASIR : ... master of the Ayyubid dynasty.
CARTER, Sarcastically : Yeah ? And I’m the King of England.
The men behind him laugh. Nasir hands Carter the wrapped seal. Carter takes it and unwraps it to reveal Saladin’s seal of the eagle. He turns his horse around. Nasir briefly closes his eyes in relief as Carter goes back to his party and stops his horse next to the King, dressed the same as the others, without any identifying marks.
KING RICHARD : Thank you, Carter.
Nasir waits patiently. The King inspects the seal, then looks at Nasir.
Nasir is shoved into a tent against the centre support poles and patted down by a Crusader. Finding him clean, the Crusader pushes Nasir out to the King and Carter.
CRUSADER : Take him to the King’s tent.
James, a Crusader with silver hair, watches, trying not to look too interested. Nasir follows King Richard into his tent.
Once inside, the King takes off his helmet and sets it inside a large trunk.
NASIR : Where is your king ?
KING RICHARD : I rule from the front line. [Pushes back his hood of mail and turns around to face Nasir] That’s why your prince will never defeat me. [Walks over to a washbowl] I admire... Aristotle. [Splashes water onto his face.]
NASIR, With a slight bit of contempt : I prefer Plato.
The King, surprised at the correct response from Nasir, lifts up his head from the bowl as Carter enters the tent.
KING RICHARD : You have the password. Speak. [Puts on his crown.]
NASIR : My prince has considered your calls for peace.
NASIR : He promises nothing... but he is prepared to talk.
The King’s eyes flicker to Carter.
NASIR : My prince agrees to meet you, man to man... alone in the desert.
KING RICHARD, Steps towards Nasir : Where ?
NASIR : Outside Imuiz, the town ruined by your Crusaders.
KING RICHARD, Stands in front of Nasir : When ?
NASIR : Today. Noon.
King Richard considers this.
CARTER : Your Majesty, is this wise ?
The King thinks a moment, turning his back to Nasir.
NASIR : My prince knew it. You do not want peace. [Turns and leaves.]
The King ponders a moment.
KING RICHARD : Wait. [Nasir turns around] I’ll be there.
The King thinks another moment, then slowly turns around, thinking more. Carter’s face falls.
NASIR : My prince offers you a gift... as a sign of his goodwill.
KING RICHARD : What gift ?
NASIR : The gift of life. [Looks at Carter, indicating silently that he wants him dismissed.]
KING RICHARD to Carter : Leave us.
Carter reluctantly obeys. The King takes a couple steps forward.
NASIR, Steps to face the King : There are... men... in your country who would want to kill you.
KING RICHARD : Tell him thank you, but I already know about the Black Knights.
NASIR : They know you know.
KING RICHARD : And I will deal with them when I return.
NASIR : That is why they have recruited your most loyal servant to come here.
NASIR : He is a man that you would trust with your life. And he travels with a Saracen woman. He will offer to protect you. And then... when your guard is down... he will slit your throat.
They stare at each other a moment, then Nasir turns and leaves. The King ponders the information as Carter comes back inside.
CARTER : This meeting. I’ll come with you.
CARTER : Your Majesty, to meet Saladin alone, unprotected...
KING RICHARD : Sometimes peace requires more bravery than war.
The King looks at Carter, having made up his mind, but still uncertain about it.
MARIAN : Have you thought about what I said ?
Gisborne turns his back on her. Marian stands.
MARIAN : You are a decent man, Guy. You’re not a killer. Turn against the Sheriff.
GISBORNE, Turns his head around and puts a finger to his lips : Shh.
MARIAN, Whispers : This is your chance... your last chance to be a good man.
Gisborne turns around and goes upstairs without saying a word.
The Sheriff is standing in front of a table with a long dagger in his hand, the blade flat against his chest. Gisborne comes to the doorway.
SHERIFF : Good chat with Marian ?
Gisborne steps slowly and silently forward.
SHERIFF : Anything you want to tell me ?
GISBORNE, Quietly : No.
Gisborne puts his hand on the hilt of his sword and stops.
GISBORNE : She wants me to kill you.
SHERIFF : And are you going to ?
Gisborne thinks a long moment, then drops his hand from the hilt.
GISBORNE, Quietly : No.
SHERIFF : What was her suggestion ?
GISBORNE : Oh, I would kill you... she would vouch for me. The King would reward me. I would still win power and I would also win...
The Sheriff quickly sets the dagger on the table, keeping it out of Gisborne’s sight as he turns around.
SHERIFF : ... Marian. [Sits on the stool] But you chose me.
GISBORNE : My lord, I’ve demonstrated my loyalty. Now I’d like your blessing.
SHERIFF : For what ?
GISBORNE : I will still have Marian. When we return to England I will take her by force.
SHERIFF : Mm. Dear boy... I’ll sing at your wedding !
The Sheriff turns around to the table and the dagger rattles.
Bassam, walking with Robin, leads the gang to the edge of a valley.
BASSAM : There... your king’s camp.
Will and Djaq stand next to Bassam to look. Much hurries to Robin’s side.
ROBIN : Shokran, Bassam.
Robin shakes Bassam’s hand and nods. Bassam turns to Djaq.
BASSAM : Does he understand flight, the pale one ?
DJAQ, Facetiously : Who ?
Bassam chuckles.
DJAQ, Smiles : Yes. I think he does.
BASSAM : You have my blessing.
Djaq smiles and hugs Bassam as the others walk down towards the camp.
The gang follow a mounted squad into the camp. A sentry is standing by the entrance.
ROBIN to the sentry : My name is Robin of Locksley, and these are my friends, the King’s loyal subjects.
MUCH : More than that, my master and I served in his private guard.
ROBIN : We have urgent business with the King.
The sentry hastily steps aside to let them pass.
MUCH, Adds : Saving his life, actually.
The gang start walking into the camp. Much turns to Little John behind him.
MUCH : John, look ! The King’s tent ! [Proudly] Ut prosim ! Our motto. Latin.
LITTLE JOHN : What’s it mean ?
Much looks back and shakes his head, still smiling proudly.
MUCH to Robin : That was us. Good days. [Robin looks around the camp] Well, not good. [Robin smiles] Death... destruction, all that. But... you know. Ut prosim, lads.
Carter runs down the hill into camp towards Robin.
CARTER : Robin !
ROBIN : Carter !
Robin runs to embrace Carter.
ROBIN : I thought you’d given up fighting.
Carter goes to shake hands with Much.
CARTER : I’m still fighting, but for peace. [Goes back to Robin and walks him to the King’s tent] Looks like we’re finally making progress.
Much turns to Little John and Allan behind him.
King Richard steps out of his tent as Robin, Carter and Much step out from between adjacent tents.
KING RICHARD : Robin of Locksley.
Robin sinks to one knee, his head bowed.
ROBIN : Your Majesty.
Much also goes down on one knee, head bowed.
KING RICHARD : Ah. [Robin raises his head] I should bow before you, friend. [Robin smiles] Come. Turns into his tent.
Robin, Carter and Much follow the King inside.
The King faces Robin and folds his arms.
ROBIN, With concern : Your Majesty...
Robin sets his bow point on the ground and rests his hands on the other end.
ROBIN : ... I bring grave news. You received my messages, I trust ?
ROBIN : Then you will know the Sheriff of Nottingham and the Black Knights are plotting against you. They are planning to take over England.
James faces Robin a few paces from the King.
KING RICHARD, Glances at James : That’s what you said and I believed you.
ROBIN : But now the Sheriff is coming here to find you and kill you.
KING RICHARD, Sceptically : Really.
ROBIN : You have to let me protect you.
KING RICHARD, A bit offended : I must allow you to protect me ?
ROBIN : Yes.
King Richard catches movement outside the tent, looks out into camp behind Robin and sees Djaq and Will stepping out from between tents and heading for them. Robin waits, puzzled by the delay.
KING RICHARD, Disappointed : Oh, Robin. Of all people, you.
ROBIN, Quietly, perplexed : Your Majesty ?
Little John and Allan enter and stand behind Robin.
KING RICHARD : Of all the men who have served me, you were the one I loved most.
ROBIN : And I have cherished that.
KING RICHARD : When I sent you home to England, I thought I was sending a piece of me, I thought that you would represent me there.
ROBIN : In a small way, I think I have.
KING RICHARD : Robin, stop it. I know the truth !
ROBIN : What truth ? Your Majesty, you are in danger !
KING RICHARD, Turns away : Why ? Have I not done right by you ?
ROBIN : Yes, you have ! And I’ve come here to save you.
KING RICHARD : Still you deny it.
Robin shifts his feet, holding in his frustrations.
KING RICHARD : You have come here to murder your King !
Robin hangs his head. Carter takes a step forward.
CARTER : Your Majesty, no. I can vouch for Robin. When I was in England—
KING RICHARD to Carter, interrupting : Quiet. [to Robin] You are a renowned marksman with the bow, are you not ?
ROBIN, Looks up slightly, Quietly : I am.
KING RICHARD, Steps forward to face Robin : Then you could have killed [Robin shifts, wanting to protest, but he remains calm] my enemies a thousand times over. You expect me to believe you would travel to the Holy Land to protect me, instead of simply aiming an arrow in Nottingham ?
MUCH, Steps forward : Your Majesty, we couldn’t just shoot the Sheriff. We can explain—
JAMES, Interrupting : Silence before the King !
James slaps Much.
KING RICHARD to James : Assemble the men... execute them.
Robin glances at James and the King leaves.
Gisborne, Nasir and Karim are waiting outside. The Sheriff steps out, arms outstretched.
SHERIFF : Happiness ?
NASIR : Happiness.
SHERIFF, Smiles : He’ll, er... attend the meeting ?
NASIR, Nodding : Mm-hm.
SHERIFF : And, erm... “Watch out, watch out ! There’s a Hood about ?”
Nasir gives the Sheriff an evil grin.
SHERIFF : Ooh... come to daddy, eh ?
The Sheriff hugs Nasir, then looks and points at Karim.
SHERIFF : So, Karim, dear boy, you know what to do. [Turns to go into the house.]
KARIM : What if King Richard knows what Prince Salah ad-Din looks like ?
SHERIFF, Stops and turns around : Well, no matter. You’re not stopping for a chat, are you, huh ? [Chuckles.]
The Sheriff motions with two fingers for them to go. Nasir nods. Gisborne heads for the door. The Sheriff starts to go in again, but stops.
SHERIFF : Er, Gisborne, something I need to do. Go with them.
Gisborne unwillingly turns on his heel and follows Nasir. The Sheriff watches him go, then with a sly look, goes inside.
Robin, Much and Will stand before the steps up to the King’s tent with their hands tied behind their backs. Little John, Djaq and Allan stand behind them, also with hands tied. Robin again is the face of calm amid the others’ surprise and outrage.
MUCH : Mercy, Your Majesty ! Ut prosim !
ROBIN : Your Majesty, these people are innocent. If you must take a life, take mine. Spare them.
KING RICHARD : At last. That’s the Robin I remember. Considering others.
DJAQ : He is still the Robin you remember.
MUCH : He saved your life ! Don’t you remember that ?
The King’s face falls. He steps down to face Robin eye to eye.
KING RICHARD, Quietly : I cannot grant your wish. You must all be punished. But you once saved my life and no, I’ve not forgotten that. So I’ll not take yours. [Announces, looking at each outlaw in turn] I’ll let the desert decide.
Robin glances at the King, who then returns to his tent.
MUCH : The desert ? [Much and Robin glance at each other] Well, what does that mean ?
Robin hangs his head, knowing exactly what it means.
MUCH to the King : Decide what ?
Robin is standing between two wooden posts with a hand tied to each one. He is between Will and Allan, who are likewise tied to posts. Behind them are Djaq, Much and Little John, doomed to the same fate. The King faces Robin.
WILL : This is the same as execution.
KING RICHARD : Yes. But if God wills it, there is always a chance. [Robin scoffs] I’ll not remember you this way, Robin. I’ll remember you as the hero who once saved my life.
ROBIN : And I’ll remember you as the king who spent too long at war. It’s clouded your judgement. You’ve forgotten your people back home.
KING RICHARD, Nods slightly : You’re right. It is time to stop this fighting. I’m meeting Saladin today. I will make peace with him.
The soldiers go back to their horses after securing all the knots. James checks Will’s bonds.
KING RICHARD : And then I will go home to England.
ROBIN : Good. At least my friends and I will have achieved something.
KING RICHARD : Goodbye. [Turns to the horses.]
Robin and Much look at Carter, who is standing away from the others and staring miserably at the outlaws. He reluctantly follows the King.
Marian hears someone come downstairs and turns around, hoping to see Gisborne, but it’s the Sheriff with a half-eaten chicken leg in his hand.
SHERIFF : Good chicken. [Marian turns his back on him] I owe you a debt of gratitude, young lady.
The Sheriff tosses the drumstick at Marian and hits her in the buttocks. Marian turns around and glares at him.
SHERIFF, Chuckles : Thanks to you, I know that Guy is loyal.
The Sheriff rests his foot on the end of the bed.
SHERIFF : Because... if you can’t turn him with your pretty little head, then nobody can.
MARIAN : Your heart... must be the coldest place on earth.
SHERIFF : Are you a little disappointed that he told me about your offer ?
Marian slowly sinks to sit on the floor, disconcerted with the revelation.
SHERIFF : I’m surprised it took you so long, to be quite honest with you. [Picks at his teeth] I mean, I was really getting rather bored.
MARIAN : And now I’ve served my purpose.
SHERIFF, Roars : You tried to kill me ! Do you think I’m going to let that pass ?! [Brightly] Robin Hood did not die in Nottingham. [Marian frowns] Did you know this ? Huh ? Well then... just as a treat, you can die together. [Chuckles] This is good. [Leaves.]
Marian’s mind is racing with the prospect of seeing Robin again, and perhaps even a rescue.
The gang are suffering in the heat and bright sunshine.
WILL : How long ?
DJAQ : In this heat, without water... [Shakes her head and scoffs.]
WILL : I’m sorry, my love. I should have made you stay with Bassam.
DJAQ : I would never leave you, Will Scarlett.
MUCH : If we can just get through to nightfall, then you know.
LITTLE JOHN : Then what ?
MUCH : Then... it’ll be cooler.
ALLAN : Cooler ? It’ll be freezing.
MUCH : I know. But it won’t be hot. This heat...
DJAQ : Much, we do not have till nightfall.
Much and Little John look over at Djaq.
The gang can barely keep their heads up and themselves awake as they slowly succumb to heatstroke.
MUCH : You know I love you all. John, Djaq, Will... even you Allan. Robin.
Robin, his head listing, is squinting at the horizon. Much’s words tune out to only a faint echo in his head.
MUCH, Echoing : Master... when I was serving the King I was serving you.
As Much continues, Robin sees a glimmering apparition of a woman, her head wrapped in a white headscarf, rising above a dune.
MUCH, Echoing : When I think of England, I think of you.
Robin lifts his head and tries to focus on the woman, who is riding a brown horse and coming towards him.
ROBIN, Faintly : Marian ? [Blinks, trying to clear his vision] Marian !
MUCH, Faintly, looking at the horizon : See something. I can really see something... coming.
The others perk up and try to call out despite their dry throats.
ALLAN : He’s right.
DJAQ : Over here !
WILL/MUCH/ALLAN : Help ! Help !
MUCH : She’s seen us !
DJAQ : God is smiling on us !
WILL, Tries to look back at Djaq : Or Allah !
MUCH : Whichever god it is, I love him.
Djaq squeals out a chuckle, but Allan is staring at two horsemen several paces behind woman, one of whom is riding a white stallion.
ALLAN : It’s the Sheriff.
MUCH, Face falls : There is no God.
The horses approach, the Sheriff and James flanking Marian, whose hands are tied to her saddle. They stop in front of the gang. The Sheriff and James dismount.
SHERIFF : See, that’s the, er... that’s the trouble with foreign travel. Hm ?
James unties Marian from the horse.
SHERIFF : You run into all the same people that you see at home.
The Sheriff faces Robin and laughs, his black tooth looking like a gap in his row of white teeth.
SHERIFF, Pointing vaguely in Marian’s direction : Your leper friend.
Marian dismounts and James grabs her arm and twists it behind her back. Robin glares at the Sheriff from under his brows.
SHERIFF : I understand you’ve met my colleague, James.
JAMES, Raises his left hand : We meet again. [He turns his hand palm in to reveal the Sheriff’s ring on his index finger] Ha-ha.
MUCH : You let the Black Knights buy you.
SHERIFF, Pointing at Much : Pennies from the poor put to good use. James !
James pushes Marian around the poles to Robin’s back.
MUCH : You’re revolting !
MARIAN to James : Get off me !
SHERIFF : A revolt is when the people rise up against their leader. [James ties up Marian back to back with Robin] No, I am not revolting. I am... coup-ing. [Chuckles] Plotting a sudden and decisive change of leader. [Takes off a glove.]
ROBIN : What about murder ?
SHERIFF : Oh, well, you see, if the [walking past Robin to Allan] King will wander out into the desert alone, unarmed, ready to meet his enemy, then...
MUCH : The King wants peace. You’re killing a man who’s trying to make peace.
SHERIFF : Yyyyyes. Life’s usually so much fairer.
ROBIN : Just let Marian go. She’s got nothing to do with this.
SHERIFF : She has everything to do with this ! Hm ?! [Looks at Allan and takes off his other glove] All along, we thought... we had a spy in [suddenly slaps Allan with his gloves] your camp. But you had one in ours. [Walks back to Robin.]
ROBIN, Quietly : You see, there will always be people that work for me. [Leans into the Sheriff’s face, Quietly] Because I fight for justice.
SHERIFF : Oh, blah-di-blah-di-blah. But this... [The Sheriff reaches under Robin’s arm and grabs Marian’s chin] ... this one is a special one, hm ? Huh ? You were still hoping, weren’t you, eh ? That after all this, hm ? You’d end up as man and wife back home in sunny Sherwood. Ahhhhh... So... now you have your bride.
The Sheriff roughly pushes Marian’s head and turns away, chuckling.
SHERIFF : I’d love to stay...[looks at the sky]... but I don’t tan well. [Smiles] Do excuse us... we have a king to kill. Come along, James.
Marian leans her head back on Robin’s shoulders. The Sheriff and James gallop off. Marian shakes her head miserably.
ROBIN : I’m sorry.
MARIAN : I’m sorry, too.
ROBIN : We fought and we lost.
MARIAN : Well, at least we will have died trying.
LITTLE JOHN, Sighs : I want to die in England. Sherwood.
MUCH : Come on, John. “Today’s a good day to die.” You’re always saying it.
LITTLE JOHN : Today is not a good day to die ! I want to die in the arms... of my wife... and with my son... John... by my side.
ROBIN : Hey, John, you’re dying for England, even if you’re not there.
ALLAN : I’m not being funny... it’s the King of England who put us here in the first place.
ROBIN : The Sheriff spun him a story ! The moment we arrived here we were marked men. It’s not the King’s fault.
Allan glares at Robin. Marian looks down the row of outlaws in front of her, marshalling her courage.
MARIAN : Well, say the words then, handsome.
ROBIN : What words ?
MARIAN : “I, Robin, take you, Marian...”
ROBIN : Now ?
MARIAN : Now is a good time, I think. [Smiles at the gang in front of her] We are in the company of the best witnesses England has to offer.
Much nods. Marian chuckles slightly.
ROBIN : I, Robin...
Marian tries to look back at him, half-surprised he’s overcome his past reluctance.
ROBIN, sighs : ... take you, Marian, to be my lawful wedded wife. [Marian smiles] To have and to hold... for better or for worse... for richer... or for poorer...
Much starts sobbing. Robin bites his lip, trying not to cry himself.
MARIAN, Prompting : In sickness...
ROBIN : In sickness or in health... [sighs deeply]... to love and to cherish... till death do us part.
MARIAN, Smiles proudly : I, Marian... take you, Robin of Locksley... master of the bow, [smiles as a familiar face appears in her view, but without breaking her rhythm] champion of the poor and lord of my heart, to be my lawful wedded husband.
Robin tries not to cry, even as Much can’t control his emotions.
MARIAN : I promise to love and to cherish you, for better or for worse, from this day forward... as long as we both shall live.
Much sobs. Marian chuckles, smiling brightly.
MARIAN : Much... don’t cry.
MUCH, Shakes his head. Barely audible : I’m not.
CARTER : He’s not crying.
Carter has come up behind them with four horses. All turn to look at him, walking towards them with several water flasks hanging from his hand.
CARTER : He’s laughing on the wrong side of his face.
ROBIN/MUCH : Carter !
The gang laugh in relief as Carter pulls out his knife.
ROBIN : I thought you’d left us !
CARTER, Cutting at Little John’s ropes : Sorry. Out here you can lose your head.
Carter hands the knife to Little John and walks round to Robin.
MUCH : I thought I didn’t like you.
CARTER : I know.
Little John cuts Much free and Carter saws at Robin and Marian’s ropes.
MUCH : Well, I do now.
Much immediately falls to the ground after losing the tension of the other rope. Robin turns around to hug Marian.
ROBIN : Thank God I’ve found you.
CARTER : We have horses and we have weapons.
Robin releases Marian and turns to Carter.
ROBIN : And we have a king to rescue. [Claps Carter’s arm and heads for the horses.]
MUCH to Carter : Come on. We are Robin Hood.
CARTER : What ?
Much takes a drink as Marian uncorks a flask and does the same. Djaq has her arm round Will’s waist as they join the gang.
WILL : We’ll explain later.
LITTLE JOHN : No. Everybody say it. [Points at Carter] We... are Robin Hood. [Glances back to the gang] Say it !
The gang shout it proudly. Carter and Marian mutter it uncertainly.
King Richard is on his horse, wearing a crimson cloak trimmed with gold, on his way to meet with Saladin when Carter, Robin, and the gang run out from behind the brush into his path. The King stops and stares at them incredulously.
MUCH : The desert decided.
Gisborne and Nasir, lying on their stomachs at the edge of a dune, watch Karim ride his horse towards the meeting place : a low, flat expanse of sand. The Sheriff joins them. James stands behind them with the horses.
GISBORNE : Where have you been ? You nearly missed the show.
SHERIFF : Oh, er... Delhi belly.
GISBORNE, With suspicion : Where’s Marian ?
SHERIFF : She’s er... tied up.
Gisborne turns his gaze back to Karim, unsatisfied with the Sheriff ’s answer.
SHERIFF : This is good. This is very good.
Karim races his horse towards the lone red-cloaked figure standing at the end of the hollow near his horse. Karim stops his horse with a rear. Robin peers out from under the hood of the cloak and steps towards his visitor as Karim dismounts. They slowly approach each other, then Karim pulls off his dust mask and reaches for his scimitar.
KARIM : I am not really Salah ad-Din !
Robin throws off the cloak.
ROBIN : I am not really King Richard. [Draws his scimitar.]
SHERIFF : It’s Robin Hood !
KARIM : You should be dead !
ROBIN : Many times over, my friend. Many times.
Karim strikes first. Robin blocks and Karim charges, but Robin ducks under his arm, turning to face him again. On the dune behind Robin’s horse, Marian, King Richard, Much, Little John, Djaq and Carter are on their stomachs watching, too. Robin jumps back as he blocks Karim’s swinging sword.
MUCH to the King : Now do you believe us ?
KING RICHARD : I’ve betrayed your loyalty.
The King watches Robin spin away from Karim and parry a blow. The King looks at Marian, who only has worried eyes for Robin below.
KING RICHARD : How can I repay you ?
Robin is blocked. Karim grabs his sword arm, turning Robin to face him, and swings overhand at him.
MUCH : Actually... [King Richard turns a surprised face to him] ... I know this is not the time, Your Majesty,
As Much speaks, Robin has dropped to his back to avoid Karim’s scimitar. He reaches up with his left hand up to grab Karim’s sword arm and pulls him down, rolling Karim over him.
MUCH : (but there is a place in Nottingham called) Bonchurch I’ve had my eye on—
LITTLE JOHN, Barks in admonishment : Much !
MUCH : Sorry. Forget about it.
Karim brings his scimitar down from over his head. Robin blocks it, holding his free hand against the end of his blade. Karim jabs out with his fist, but Robin ducks under Karim’s sword arm, then parries. Robin jumps back as Karim swings. Karim tries an overhead blow again and Robin blocks with both hands, but Karim kicks him in the stomach, knocking him onto his back.
MARIAN : He needs us.
Marian pushes herself up. The gang, the King and Carter quickly get up and run to their horses as Robin scrambles backwards away from his foe. Karim steps forward, reaching behind him and keeping the point of his scimitar level. At the sound of horses neighing, Robin turns over to look behind him. The Crusaders’ horses are running down the dune towards him with King Richard in the lead, followed by Marian, Carter and Much. Allan, Will, Little John and Djaq are running down on foot. Karim looks up and sees them, too. The Sheriff quickly gets to his feet. Gisborne recognises one of the King’s riders.
GISBORNE, Pounding the sand in anger : Marian !
Gisborne and Nasir get to their horses. Karim grimaces in frustration and retreats to his horse as Robin deftly rises and turns to his horse. Karim mounts and starts his horse running across the sand. Robin mounts as the King approaches him.
KING RICHARD : Robin, forgive me.
ROBIN, Looking at Karim : I already have. [Calls behind him] Let’s finish this now ! After them !
Karim rides up the hill in front of James, Nasir, the Sheriff and Gisborne waiting on their horses. The King starts his horse and the Sheriff’s company gallop off after Karim. King Richard, Robin, Marian, Much and Carter chase after them on horseback towards the ruined city of Imuiz.
The Sheriff, Nasir, Karim, Gisborne and James gallop through a fallen archway into the deserted town. Broken carts and wagons litter the entrance square and a half ring of sandbags marks the last defence of the former village. The Sheriff stops on the far side. He points to Nasir and Karim riding by.
SHERIFF : It’s not too late ! We can still get the King ! You two, over there ! Gisborne, with me !
Nasir dismounts with his crossbow and hides behind an overturned wagon. The Sheriff, James and Gisborne gallop off down a street. Nasir turns his crossbow to King Richard as he and Carter follow the Sheriff down the street. Much rides in next. Nasir shoots at Much as he circles around the sandbags. The arrow hits the horse’s chest and Much goes down with the horse, scrambling back to avoid getting his legs caught under the falling animal and pressing himself against the protection of the sandbags. Robin and Marian follow him in, quickly dismount and fall against the sandbags next to Much.
ROBIN to Much : This is a trap. [Glances at Marian behind him, to Much] Are you all right ?
MUCH, Bewildered : Yeah !
Nasir runs away. Robin glances back at Marian again.
ROBIN to Much : Where’s the King ?!
MUCH : He went after the Sheriff.
Robin glances back at Marian, and as soon as he turns back to Much, she gets up.
ROBIN to Much : We need to get out of here. Now !
Robin glances back and sees Marian is gone. Much draws his sword, peeks over the sandbags and gets up. Robin runs down a street and under a first floor window where Nasir waits above, his crossbow reloaded. Nasir turns to shadow him.
The Sheriff and Gisborne, each with a Saracen bow, have their backs to a wall. Gisborne keeps an eye out for their enemies.
SHERIFF : Keep them pinned down. I’ll go round the back.
Gisborne draws and shoots as Carter pokes his head around a pillar. Carter ducks back to avoid the arrow. He turns to the King behind him, still on his horse.
CARTER : Quick, you must get out of here. Leave them to me.
Carter nods and charges round the corner. The King continues down the street. Gisborne runs away as Carter stops to look around.
Allan, Will, Djaq and Little John arrive in the town on foot and look around.
LITTLE JOHN : It’s not right. Split up !
Each one takes a different street.
Robin turns a corner, stops and looks around at the rooftops. He gets a running start and vaults himself up onto a low roof. He climbs up another level, crosses to its other side with an arrow nocked and sees King Richard riding down the street with his sword in hand. The King looks up at him and suddenly stops. Robin sees the way is clear for the King and jerks his head to the side, indicating the King should move on, but he doesn’t.
ROBIN, Quietly : Come on.
The King has seen Karim with his scimitar behind Robin. He turns his horse aside and throws his sword up. Robin twists aside to avoid it and sees the sword hit Karim squarely in the chest. Robin turns back to King Richard, who throws his fist into the air. Robin nods his thanks and the King canters off. Nasir comes out of a door just after the King leaves. Robin sees him, jumps across to another roof and aims. Nasir sees him, but it is too late. Robin shoots and hits him in the chest. James jumps down from an adjacent roof, charging at Robin. He hops up onto Robin’s level and punches him in the jaw.
The Sheriff steps out behind King Richard cantering down the street and aims his bow.
SHERIFF : Long live the King ! [Quietly] No.
The Sheriff shoots and hits the King in his left shoulder. Gisborne and Marian, on different streets, both hear the King yell out in pain. The Sheriff starts to follow, but sees Carter coming round a corner. He abruptly changes directions and hides behind a wall. Carter comes running, spinning his sword, but doesn’t know where the Sheriff is. As he runs past the wall, the Sheriff plunges his dagger into Carter’s stomach, then lets him fall to the ground.
SHERIFF : Bye-bye, Blondie.
James has both his hands round Robin’s neck. Robin tries to push him off, but can’t. James looks up as Much steps up behind Robin’s head, his sword ready.
MUCH : We meet again.
Much, both hands on the hilt, slices James’s head off.
King Richard’s horse walks into the square. The King’s head falls limply forward and he slides off near the fountain, grasping at his shoulder as Gisborne appears at the edge of the square beyond the King’s feet. Marian, running towards the previous scream of the King, comes out between buildings opposite him and sees him.
MARIAN : Guy !
Gisborne draws his sword. Marian races across the square to confront him. The King watches her pass him, unable yet to move.
MARIAN : Stop ! [Holds her hands up and comes to a halt facing Gisborne] It’s over, Guy.
GISBORNE, With eyes intensely on the King : Get out of the way.
Gisborne advances steadily towards the King, but Marian keeps herself in front of him, walking backwards with her hands still up.
MARIAN : All this time I’ve been fighting for England.
The King, on the ground, writhes in pain.
MARIAN : Do you think I am going to let you kill England ?
GISBORNE : Marian, get out of the [roars, swiping his sword at her] way !
Marian does not relent. Gisborne keeps walking forwards and she backwards.
MARIAN : You’ll have to kill me first.
GISBORNE : No. We’re going to get out of this. [Still advancing] I’m going to do this thing and then I will have power beyond measure. And we will be together.
MARIAN, Chuckles quietly, Stops by the fountain : I would rather die than be with you, Guy of Gisborne.
GISBORNE, With utter disbelief : No... no.
MARIAN, Chuckles quietly : I’m going to marry Robin Hood.
Gisborne fights to take a breath as his dreams shatter. Marian gazes aside.
MARIAN : I love Robin Hood.
Marian realises what she couldn’t admit to herself before. Gisborne stares at her as she chuckles slightly, smiles and looks into his eyes.
MARIAN : I love Robin Hood.
Without thinking, Gisborne steps forward and plunges his sword into Marian’s stomach and then reaches behind her to pull her further onto the blade and holds her there a moment. Marian grunts, then lifts her head and looks into his eyes. Gisborne, horrified at what he has just done, releases her and the sword. At that moment, Robin runs into the square and sees her fall to the ground.
ROBIN : Marian !
Robin races to her, kneels at her side and takes her hand as Gisborne steps back, grimacing in anguish. Much comes running with Little John and Will behind him.
MUCH : No !
Djaq comes running from a different direction. The Sheriff discreetly comes round another corner and surveys the scene : Gisborne in shock and Robin kneeling over Marian. Gisborne stares down at Marian and lets out a groaning sob.
SHERIFF : Gisborne !
The Sheriff runs to the King’s horse as Djaq kneels behind the King.
SHERIFF : It’s not over, Hood !
Djaq breaks off the arrow in the King’s shoulder. Will races to her side to help her turn him over as Gisborne runs to join the Sheriff at the King’s horse.
SHERIFF, Grasping the saddle and reins, ready to mount : I will have England !
Robin looks up at the Sheriff, but he has no will to pursue. The Sheriff and Gisborne gallop off on the King’s horse as Allan runs in. Djaq runs over to Marian and kneels over her opposite Robin. The others stand by and watch helplessly, realising the inevitable. Djaq looks at Robin.
MARIAN, Leaning her head back, trying to look at the King : The King ! Where’s the King ?!
ROBIN : He’s all right ! Marian. Marian ! [Robin holds her head to look at him] He’s all right. You saved him.
MARIAN to Djaq : How’s it looking down there ?
Robin looks over at Djaq, who glances at him with her eyes.
MARIAN : Am I beyond even Djaq’s amazing talent ? [Turns to Robin.]
ROBIN : It’s all right. We’ll think of something.
MARIAN, Grimacing : Well, can we at least get this out of me ? It hurts.
Djaq shakes her head. Robin tries not to cry.
ROBIN : Marian... Marian, we can’t take it out just yet. [Rubs her cheek with his thumb.]
MARIAN : Why ? [Lifts up her head to look at Djaq] Why ?
Robin looks at Djaq. Djaq stares at Marian with sad eyes, lifting her eyebrows slightly. Marian’s agitation wanes as she realises her fate.
MARIAN : Will I die when it comes out ?
A tear falls from Djaq’s eye. Marian looks at Robin, then puts her head down.
MARIAN : Then we haven’t got much time, my darling.
ROBIN : We have for ever, my love.
MARIAN : I hope we have for ever in heaven... [flustered]...because we didn’t have enough time on earth. Not nearly enough time.
ROBIN : We were busy. [Sniffs.]
MARIAN : We were fighters and I’m proud. [Robin turns his head away] You keep fighting for me, Robin.
ROBIN : I c... I can’t fight without you.
MARIAN, Smiles : I’d love to argue with you, but we haven’t got the time. You promise me you’ll keep fighting.
Robin nods, and Marian nods with him.
ROBIN : I will.
Marian smiles at him. Robin strokes her hair. Marian closes her eyes and relaxes. A tear fall from her eye.
MARIAN : Now, where were we ?
ROBIN : What ?
MARIAN : The last time we were dying... we were getting married. [Robin gives a sad chuckle] Can we carry on, please ?
Robin brushes the hair out of her face.
ROBIN : I can’t remember.
MARIAN, Chuckles : Well, that’s the last time I marry you if you can’t even remember.
The King has gotten up and walked over to Robin.
Robin looks up. King Richard leans over and lays his enormous ruby ring in Robin’s hand.
ROBIN to Marian : Here. [Holds Marian’s left hand by her head with both of his, Sniffles] I, Robin, take you, Marian, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward... for better or for worse... for richer or poorer... in sickness or in health... to love and to cherish... till death do us part.
MARIAN : I, Marian, take you, Robin... beautiful, beautiful Lord of Locksley, to be my wedded husband. I promise to love you and to cherish you... on earth... and especially in heaven. [Robin grips Marian’s hand tightly] For now and for ever... till death do us part. [Robin nods and strokes her hair] Kiss me.
Robin leans in, but Marian turns her head away.
MARIAN : No. Give me the ring first. Make an honest woman of me, Robin.
Robin slips the ring onto her finger and kisses it.
MARIAN : You may kiss the bride.
Robin leans over, holds her head and gives her a long kiss, then strokes her cheek with his thumb.
MARIAN : I love you... my husband.
ROBIN : I love you, my wife.
Unbeknownst to Robin, Marian reaches down with her now free left hand to join her right one on the sword while Robin holds her head and strokes her cheek. Marian looks into his eyes, then pulls out the sword, arching her back and crying out in pain. She puts her left hand on Robin’s arm.
ROBIN : Shh.
MARIAN, Relaxes and looks into Robin’s eyes : That’s better.
Marian tries to smile, closes her eyes and pushes out her last breath. Her ringed hand slips from Robin’s arm.
ROBIN : Marian ? [Strokes her hair, fighting back tears] Marian ?
Robin bites back a sob, then slowly lowers his head to kiss her as the gang stand around, shocked and saddened.
Robin solemnly carries Marian down the side of a dune into a hollow with two small palm trees. Memories of his time with her play in his head : the night at Locksley Manor when he spied on her with Gisborne through the window ; her smile when she agreed to marry him and their kiss afterwards ; Marian in Nottingham stepping off a roof into his arms ; Marian running back to him in front of the town gate in her wedding dress ;finding her in a stolen dress in Nottingham after she helped him escape from the War Room and her look of relief and delight at finding him alive; the first time he saw her after his return to England when she was pointing an arrow at him from her doorway. At the bottom, the gang and the King are standing round a freshly dug grave with solemn faces, Much leaning on the spade, as Robin lays Marian down on a cloth next to the grave. Nearby is a mound with a Crusader’s shield over it, marking Carter’s final resting place. Djaq hangs off Will’s arm as Robin kneels over Marian’s body. He kisses her one last time as Will puts his arm around Djaq.
Djaq hugs Much.
DJAQ : You take care, OK ?
Little John hugs Will. Over Little John’s shoulder, Will sees Robin enter the room.
WILL : Robin.
Much and Little John turn around to face Robin, whose face is again one of forced inhibition. Robin sees Djaq and Will dressed in Saracen clothing. He walks over to Djaq.
DJAQ, Looks at Will : Will and I are... [Looks at Robin.]
ROBIN, Nods at Will, understanding : You’re staying.
Will has a half smile, glad to be staying with his love, but sad to be leaving Robin.
DJAQ : Ma’a salamah, Robin. [Speaks more Arabic to him.]
Djaq hugs Robin. Robin steps to Will.
ROBIN : Come here.
Robin hugs Will.
ROBIN, During the hug, in his ear : Look after her.
WILL, Whispers : Thank you.
Will stands with his arm around Djaq as the gang leave.
WILL : Robin !
Robin stops and looks back. Will holds up the tag round his neck. Robin nods solemnly, then smiles slightly, and leaves.
Allan, with a pigeon cage like Lardner’s, Much, a mounted King Richard, Little John, Robin and a squad of mounted soldiers walk across the sand. King Richard stops. The gang walk past him, then turn around to face him.
KING RICHARD : You’ve saved my life.
Much nods. Robin stares up with sombre eyes.
KING RICHARD : Now go home and grieve your loss.
ROBIN : No, Your Majesty. “For every man there is a purpose which he sets up in his life. Let yours be the doing of all good deeds.”
MUCH, Ponders the quote a moment, then turns to the King : The Qur’an.
KING RICHARD : Then do those deeds in my name. You are my representatives in England. You are King Richard.
ROBIN, Smiles slightly : And you ?
KING RICHARD : Us ? We are... Robin Hood.
ROBIN, Looks around at his threesome : Come on, lads. [Nods at the King] Let’s go home.
Robin turns around and starts walking. Allan, Little John and Much take one last look at the King before following. They walk through the sand towards the sunset as King Richard and his entourage turn and go back to camp.