Ce script a été réalisé par Allthingsrobin sur le site Hood Winked.
This transcript was made by Allthingsrobin on Hood Winked.
Recap of Episode Twelve
The Sheriff and Gisborne, on horseback, several guards and Gisborne’s men arrive outside the cave.
SHERIFF: Calls out: You’re getting slack, my friend !
Little John and Much scramble from the cave entrance to behind two large boulders, unseen.
Could it have been easier for me, hm ? If you’d led me by the hand to your little hidey-hole ?
Robin is listening, kneeling by Marian, staring at the wall, intense with rage.
SHERIFF: A clue: no.
MUCH: Muttering: Allan. Where are Allan and Will ?
Much slams arrow points into the ground behind a boulder and sets onein his bow as Little John watches the Sheriff ’s advance.
LITTLE JOHN: to Much: Now.
Little John and Much stand up, in view of the oncoming party. Much points an arrow at the Sheriff.
MUCH: Yelling at the Sheriff: Stand !
SHERIFF: Unconcerned, feigned slight surprise: Oh.
MUCH: Stand or we shoot !
The Sheriff and Gisborne stop. The Sheriff looks around for more of Robin Hood’s men.
SHERIFF: Er, there are two of you !
MUCH: Last warning !
SHERIFF: Quietly to Gisborne, still looking at Much: How many do you think there could be of them ?
GISBORNE: A dozen or so at the most... The Sheriff chuckles. ... of the inner circle.
SHERIFF: Suddenly serious. And how many of the outer circle ?
GISBORNE: I don’t know.
SHERIFF: to Much: You seem to misunderstand me, my friend !
Djaq pushes Pitts up against the wall, her sword at his throat.
SHERIFF: You do not have a bargaining position.
DJAQ: Robin, what do I do with him ? If he dies you have nothing against Gisborne.
Robin is still entranced with rage.
SHERIFF: Quietly. Wait ! Why are they not running ? Why are they not running ? Hood must be in there.
MUCH: John ? Now what ?
Little John glances at Much.
SHERIFF: Bored now. Kill them ! Motions advance with his arm.
GISBORNE: Positions !
The soldiers line up in front of the Sheriff and Gisborne.
MUCH: John, I think we’re gonna die.
Little John bends down to the ground as the soldiers and archers line up.
LITTLE JOHN: A good day. Rubs black earth under his eyes.
MUCH: What ?
LITTLE JOHN: Gruffly: A good day to die.
MUCH: What ?
LITTLE JOHN: It’s a saying.
GISBORNE: Take aim !
MUCH: I hate sayings.
Little John and Much stand ready. The archers pull back their bowstrings. A pause, then an arrow flies from behind Much and Little John and hits a soldier squarely in the chest in front of the Sheriff.
SHERIFF: Pointing: There’s Hood ! Shoot !
Robin bursts out of the cave and slams several arrow points into the ground.
MUCH: Quietly chastising Robin: Robin.
Robin nocks an arrow and has another one tucked in between his fingers, ready to be nocked quickly. He shoots one and the Sheriff ducks. Robin shoots the other as the archers shoot back, forcing Much to duck an arrow.
SHERIFF: Sits back up, hand over his mouth. Ah ! My tooth !
Robin shoots at Gisborne, who has to duck as the soldiers retreat. Robin grabs his arrows from the ground and rolls down the hill as more arrows fly past him. Much shoots down an archer.
Where’s my tooth ?
Robin stops near Much and Little John and slams the arrow points into the ground, keeping three in his hand. The Sheriff is on his hands and knees, looking for the tooth just knocked out of his mouth by his quick duck.
Gisborne, where’s my tooth ?
Robin shoots an arrow. A soldier falls right in front of the Sheriff on the ground.
What is this ? Hood does not kill.
Robin has four arrows set, one nocked on the string, three more between each of his fingers. He shoots them in rapid succession as Djaq and Pitts duck the archers’ arrows coming in at them. An archer and four soldiers go down.
PITTS: Waving a bandage. Do not shoot !
Much barely ducks an arrow flying past his head. Pitts runs down the hill past Robin, Much and Little John, and right into Robin’s line of fire.
Sir Guy, it’s me !
ROBIN: Move !
PITTS: Sir Guy ?
GISBORNE: Kill him !
PITTS: I have always served you well !
GISBORNE: You’ve served your purpose. Kill him !
Pitts turns to run away but is shot in the back and falls face down. Robin is stunned for a brief second, then regains his composure and draws.
SHERIFF: Pointing at Gisborne. You’re learning.
Robin fires at Gisborne, who ducks the arrow. Little John’s upper sleeve is pierced by an arrow.
GISBORNE: Second line forward !
The mounted soldiers advance. Robin throws down his bow, draws his scimitar and runs forward. Much and Little John hear the ring of the scimitar and glance back at Robin.
MUCH: Draws sword and looks at Little John. It is a good day.
Robin charges. Little John, Much and Djaq follow, yelling.
LITTLE JOHN: Come on then !
The Sheriff stands behind his horse, frightened and confused.
SHERIFF: What is this ? Is this suicide ?
The Sheriff ducks behind his horse as the gang yell and charge.
MUCH: We fight for Robin Hood and King Richard !
Robin engages a soldier. Much engages two. Robin is hacking at the soldiers, showing no mercy. Little John swings his staff and knocks down soldiers. Robin clears his path to Gisborne on his horse. They stare at one another, Robin with rage in his eyes.
Suddenly an arrow flies at Gisborne’s head. Gisborne has to duck. It’s from Allan’s bow. Robin looks back to see Allan and Will running to join in. Robin turns around and takes out more soldiers.
MUCH: Allan !
SHERIFF: Do something, Gisborne !
GISBORNE: Regroup !
Allan takes a shot at the Sheriff but he ducks. The arrow hits a soldier instead.
SHERIFF: Get me out of here.
Will charges, yelling, and fights off the soldiers with his axes.
ALLAN: (I fight for)... Robin Hood and King Richard ! Joins the fray with his sword.
All the gang are stabbing, slicing, et cetera, and showing no mercy. The Sheriff is running wildly trying to find an escape.
GISBORNE: Move back !
The gang keep attacking and all the soldiers run off. Little John wildly pulls the arrow out of his sleeve. The Sheriff and Gisborne gallop off.
SHERIFF: Those blithering idiots cost me my tooth ! Slaps Gisborne’s shoulder.
The gang spin around, watching their opponents riding or running off. Battle over, they catch their breath. Much falls to his knees and sits on his heels. Robin slowly goes down to one knee, leaning on his scimitar, hanging his head.
LITTLE JOHN: Where were you two ?
Will is silent.
ALLAN: I can explain.
Little John turns to Allan.
It’s a woman, a mother, was giving birth to this newborn babe, right ?
WILL: Simply, guiltily. We were going to take the haul. Gisborne’s money.
Little John looks at Will.
We we gonna take it to Scarborough.
Robin looks up weakly at Will.
ALLAN: Yeah... what can I say ?
WILL: Sorry !
Much stands up with a look of disbelief. Sincerely: Really.
Robin hangs his head.
ALLAN: Well, we’re here now. Saved your bacon, actually.
Little John looks at Will. Much stares sombrely at Allan, as does Djaq. Allan doesn’t understand why everybody is silent.
What ?
Little John looks at Allan.
We said sorry.
MUCH: Marian. Gisborne stabbed her last night.
Allan is surprised.
And she’s...
ROBIN: Looks up. Quietly: She’s dead.
Allan looks at Will, who stares, stunned, at Robin.
Marian’s dead.
Robin lifts his scimitar slightly and drives the point into the ground, then stands and leaves it there as he heads back to the cave.
Marian lies on the rock “bed.” Little John enters first with a torch. The others gather nearby.
DJAQ: We need to bury her.
ROBIN: Voice all but breaking. Quietly: We must take her to Knighton Hall, to her father. Long pause. John, I want you to... trying not to break down. Djaq, prepare her body. Takes a step towards Marian. Will, I need you to make... Sighs. I need you to make a coffin.
LITTLE JOHN: Sh-sh-sh-sh. Shh. Takes a step forward to Robin. In good time. First, we say goodbye.
WILL: With his determined look but a soft voice. She was a good woman. Kind and considerate.
MUCH: Good ? Steps forward next to Robin. Oh, she was... Nods. She was... Nods.
ALLAN: Steps forward next to Much. She was all right... Yeah.
LITTLE JOHN: Her we liked.
ROBIN: Her we loved. Her I loved. I loved her and I never told her.
MUCH: Well, she knew. Sniffs. We all knew.
Allan frowns at Marian, then steps forward, staring at her.
ALLAN: I’m not being funny, right ? She’s breathing !
Will steps forward. Robin stares, not daring to hope. Djaq holds her sword under Marian’s nose, and sees her breath.
DJAQ: On the blade. She is breathing.
ALLAN: Eh ? Told ya !
ROBIN: Goes to Marian. What ?
DJAQ: Unbuttons Marian’s coat. The physician’s draught. I have heard of this before. Hemlock ! Too much and the body freezes. Opening Marian’s eyes, one at a time, to check her pupils: The breathing stops. But if one is young and strong, body fights back. Comes back from the dead !
ALLAN: She died ?
DJAQ: And came back !
MUCH: Oh, that is...
All are happy and relieved.
ROBIN: Marian ? Marian ? Rubbing her cheek. Marian ?
Marian opens her eyes. Robin laughs in relief.
MARIAN: Where have I been ?
ROBIN: Quietly: I don’t know... but I’m glad you’re back ! Laughs again.
Marian looks weakly and confused at Robin.
The doors open and the Sheriff and Gisborne enter.
GISBORNE: It would have been nice to have dealt with Hood before the King returns.
The Sheriff laughs.
What ?
SHERIFF: The King is not coming.
Cups water from a bowl in his hands and sucks in the water.
GISBORNE: What do you mean the King is not coming ?
SHERIFF: Spits the water back into the bowl. He is in the Holy Land. Spits again. I have arranged an impostor. Think about it. Is the real King, who spent God-knows-how-long fighting in the Holy Land, going to stop off in Nottingham on his way home for a chat ? A clue: no! Sits.
SHERIFF: How many of our friends are against us ? Hm ? Our pathetic lords. Merton, Woodvale, Edward, hm ? How many of them are scheming ? Smiling at us ? Lying ? Biding their time ? Nodding their heads ? All the while preparing for the return of their King, the precious Richard the Lion-Hearted. Preparing, hm ? To turn against us the minute he walks through that door.
GISBORNE: I don’t know.
SHERIFF: None of them have ever seen the King. So, this way we find out, hm ? The plots bubble to the surface. The rats come scurrying out of the woodwork.
GISBORNE: Why didn’t you tell me ?
SHERIFF: Not at all apologetic: Oh, sorry. Nothing personal, hm ?
Anyway, you should thank me. You get to marry the girl.
GISBORNE: Yeah, but based on a lie. The King is not really coming.
SHERIFF: Oh, isn’t that despicable, hm ? I don’t know how could you possibly live with yourself.
GISBORNE: Looks down. What if Edward is one of them ?
SHERIFF: Slams his hand on the table. Roars: I will hang him !
The gang have fashioned a stretcher suspended from two tent poles and are carrying Marian home. Djaq leads the way. Robin and Much carry the forward poles. Little John holds up both rear poles. Marian is pale and rests fitfully.
Allan and Will take the forward poles, replacing Robin and Much.
Little John carries Marian into her room. Djaq and Robin follow, then Edward, Allan and Much. Will watches the garden from the window over the stairs. Little John gently places Marian on her bed and Djaq, from the near side, pulls up the covers. Robin stands at the foot, staring and worried. Edward stands over Marian on the far side of the bed.
EDWARD: Robin, this is my fault.
ROBIN: No. It was the Sheriff and Gisborne’s.
EDWARD: Stepping to Robin. When the King returns, the Sheriff will make his move. You know that. He will try to kill the King. Help me stop him.
Robin turns his head away.
My daughter’s wedding takes place in Locksley on Saturday.
Much is listening. Little John takes off his coat.
At the same time, the Sheriff will meet the King in Nottingham. Maybe he’s thinking I and others will attend the wedding and leave him free to assassinate the King.
Djaq looks at Little John’s arm where the arrow grazed him. Little John shakes his head, implying it’s nothing.
But we must forget the wedding. We must be in Nottingham.
ROBIN: We ? Shakes his head slightly. I don’t think so.
EDWARD: You, me and a number of loyal nobles.
Robin looks at Marian.
Now is the time to act, to stand up and defend our king. Join us.
ROBIN: Slightly angry: What about Marian ? She cannot be left to meet Gisborne at the altar.
Will enters.
WILL: Whispers: Gisborne !
Edward looks at Will, then Robin.
EDWARD: I’ll get rid of him. Goes downstairs.
Allan looks out the window to see Gisborne dismounting. From downstairs, a knock is heard. Marian stirs. Much looks wildly around for a place to hide. Robin is still standing at the foot of the bed, staring seriously at Marian.
Heard from downstairs: (The door opens.
EDWARD: Sir Guy ?
GISBORNE: I’ve come to see Marian. There’s something I need to speak to her about.
EDWARD: She’s indisposed.)
Gisborne is standing at the door.
GISBORNE: Indisposed ?
EDWARD: Sleeping.
GISBORNE: He knows Edward is hiding something: At this hour ?
EDWARD: She is... unwell.
GISBORNE: She’s not here.
EDWARD: She is here.
GISBORNE: Looks down, sighs. I knew it. I knew she would not keep her promise. She cannot run from me.
EDWARD: Protesting. Sir Guy, I assure you that—
GISBORNE: Interrupts: Do not “Sir Guy” me. Steps inside. Where is she ?
EDWARD: She’s been injured. I do not know how. Perhaps a fall in the woods.
GISBORNE: Pushes Edward aside. Don’t lie to me ! Goes upstairs.
EDWARD: I am not lying ! Closes the front door and follows Gisborne upstairs.
Robin stands still as footsteps come up the stairs. The bedchamber door opens and Much quickly steps behind it, hidden.
GISBORNE: Sees Marian in the bed. Ah.
EDWARD: I told you.
Gisborne steps to Marian’s bedside. Edward looks around for the others and sees Robin pressed against the ceiling over Marian’s bed. Gisborne leans over Marian.
GISBORNE: She looks pale. Marian ?
Marian opens her eyes, sees Gisborne, and then Robin and frowns slightly.
Sh-shh. It’s all right. It’s only me.
Marian’s eyes flicker from Robin to Gisborne, then close.
She is unwell. I will send for a physician.
EDWARD: No need. I’m sure rest and recuperation...
Edward pushes Little John’s foot further under the bed with his.
Perhaps the excitement of the wedding. Reaches out to Gisborne’s shoulder.
Gisborne stands and follows Edward a few steps back as Marian opens her eyes.
GISBORNE: Is that true ? The wedding excites her ?
Marian stares at Robin.
EDWARD: You wanted to tell her something ?
Robin and Marian both look at Gisborne.
Tell her I am also... pauses, shakes head. Goodbye. Leaves abruptly.
Marian looks at Robin.
EDWARD: Goodbye, Sir Guy. Follows Gisborne out and closes the door behind them.
Much breathes a sigh of relief. Little John crawls out from under the bed. Will jumps down from inside the chimney. Allan pulls himself up on the windowsill outside.
MUCH: Walks across the room. “I will send for a physician.” He just killed one.
Robin drops down from the ceiling.
He is revolting.
Allan crawls in the window.
MARIAN: Weakly: Killed one ?
MUCH: Yes. Pitts.
A knock is heard in the room. Much looks behind him. Allan and Will open the trunk along the wall to reveal Djaq as Robin walks around the foot of the bed and sits at Marian’s side.
We thought he would denounce Gisborne, but he was a traitor. He was also revolting. I’m glad he is dead.
Marian frowns.
ALLAN: Yeah, but she’s got to marry Gisborne now. Tomorrow.
MUCH: True.
Edward opens the door and enters.
ROBIN: Marian, I will find another way out of this.
EDWARD: Slowly: Robin, I need to speak to you.
Robin and Edward step onto the landing outside. Robin leans on and looks out the window.
EDWARD: Do you really have another way out for Marian ?
ROBIN: Quickly, a bit desperate, turns to Edward. I will think of something.
EDWARD: If you cannot stop it, then do not speak of it.
ROBIN: Desperately: Once Marian is married, it can never be undone.
EDWARD: Then what is your plan ?
ROBIN: Sighs and hangs his head, then looks at Edward. Quietly: Edward, I will think of something.
EDWARD: No! That is not good enough.
Robin turns to look out the window, frustrated.
You will raise Marian’s hopes. You will raise her hopes only to see them dashed. If you care about her, spare her that. If you cannot save her, I beg you, do the right thing. Let her go.
ROBIN: Chuckles. Turns to Edward: You know something ? Looks through the door at Marian. I am sick of doing the right thing.
Robin looks like he is about ready to cry, then goes downstairs.
EDWARD: Calling after him: Robin ? I need your help. The front door closes below. Robin !
Robin sits on the hillside overlooking the village, his arms around his knees. Much walks up behind him.
MUCH: I knew you’d be here.
ROBIN: It is my village.
Much sits nearby, a bit downhill from Robin, facing the village.
MUCH: Smiling: Remember the times we used to sit up here ? Sit up here and say there was no finer place in England. Sighs, contented.
ROBIN: Quietly: Gisborne is stealing my life.
MUCH: Pauses before answering. Then you must let him. Looks at Robin. You heard Edward. The King is in danger, and what is Locksley if England can’t be saved ?
ROBIN: At this moment I care more about Locksley than England.
MUCH: It isn’t Locksley, is it ? It’s Marian. Silence. We must let her go. Robin quietly glares at Much. I say we. I mean you.
ROBIN: There must be a way.
MUCH: Robin, the King is coming back. And if we can stop the Sheriff from messing things up, then England will be right again.
ROBIN: Nods subtly, staring at Locksley. Will it ?
MUCH: Eagerly: Yes. The Sheriff will be out. You’ll be in. We’re talking days, surely. I mean, you’ll have your lands back. You’ll be in Locksley. I’ll be in Bonchurch.
Robin closes his eyes.
It’s not a huge estate, but it’s big enough. Robin smiles a bit. A man could easily get lost on it, easily. Sighs.
ROBIN: Smirking. You know something ? If you want to get lost... why don’t you start practising now ?
MUCH: Looks at Robin. You don’t mean that.
Robin chuckles. Much scoots up the hill to sit even with Robin.
Playfully: You know a smaller man would be offended. A smaller man would wounded.
ROBIN: You see, there is no smaller man, Much.
Much glares at Robin. Robin looks down at Locksley.
You are the smaller man. All you care about is the roof over your head, the food in your belly... You speak every facile thought that comes into your head. Looks at Much. You’re like a pox on my skin. I keep scratching... but you never go away.
Much stares, face falling, then shoves Robin’s shoulder, hard. Robin falls over and slowly sits back up.
MUCH: You go away.
Much stands and storms off. Robin stares at Locksley for a moment, then hangs his head.
Marian gingerly makes her way downstairs. Edward turns around from the table where he was preparing a tray for her.
EDWARD: Marian ?
MARIAN: What is happening with Merton and the other nobles ?
EDWARD: They are ready, making preparations.
Edward grabs a chair for Marian.
MARIAN: Will you get word to the King ?
EDWARD: If we can. I not, we will protect him as he arrives in Nottingham.
Marian sits down.
MARIAN: It is so dangerous. Any move against the Sheriff, if you were to be caught...
EDWARD: I have waited too long, Marian.
MARIAN: And Robin ?
EDWARD: What of him ?
MARIAN: Well, he used to be in charge of the King’s private guard. He will assist you.
EDWARD: I think not.
EDWARD: He wants to stop you wedding.
MARIAN: Quietly: He cannot.
EDWARD: I have told him.
Edward brings the tray over and sets it by Marian.
MARIAN: Do you believe Gisborne went to the Holy Land ? Tried to kill the King ? Attacked Robin ?
EDWARD: Shakes his head. I do not know what to believe any more.
MARIAN: Thinks. Will you take me to him ?
EDWARD: Robin ?
MARIAN: No, Gisborne. I need to ask him.
Gisborne’s coach arrives. Robin, still up on the hillside, looks up at the sound and then retreats into his depression.
Gisborne is giving instructions to his men in the main room.
GISBORNE: Get out and scour the country for the Nightwatchman !
Marian gets out of the coach and walks through the tunnel towards the front door. Edward sits inside and waits.
I want him found by sunset !
Gisborne follows his servants carrying the broken door out of the main room and sees Marian.
MARIAN: I am quite well. Steps towards him.
GISBORNE: Er, a robbery. A small thing. Hangs the axe on a beam. But I’ve taken extra precautions. You’re entirely safe.
MARIAN: Enters the manor. I hope you have not lost anything important.
GISBORNE: Darkly: I’ll get it back.
Marian turns around as Gisborne enters.
MARIAN: Sir Guy, I must ask you a difficult question.
GISBORNE: I’m intrigued.
MARIAN: Did you try and kill the King in the Holy Land ?
GISBORNE: Smiles slightly, then his face falls a bit. Pardon ?
MARIAN: Is it true ? That last year you were not in quarantine with a fever... Gisborne turns away and takes a few steps ... but that you travelled to the Holy Land, you and others dressed as Saracens and tried to kill the King ?
GISBORNE: Robin Hood.
MARIAN: What of him ?
GISBORNE: Turns to Marian. Been talking to him ?
MARIAN: This is a rumour which has been circulating and I need an answer. I could not marry you if it were true.
GISBORNE: Sighs. Rumours, Marian. Circles her. You need to be more careful [intensely in her ear] who you listen to.
Marian is amazed.
The day the King returns is a day of joy for me. It is the day that I marry you.
MARIAN: I am not sure.
GISBORNE: Well, you must be sure.
GISBORNE: Interrupts: Have you not seen what to do to me ? My passion for you ?
Gisborne leans in and kisses Marian.
I have never felt like this before.
MARIAN: I must go.
MARIAN: I must go.
GISBORNE: Catches Marian’s arm. Not until you tell me you believe me.
MARIAN: Flatly: I believe you. Smiles slightly and leaves.
Gisborne looks up, gives a small sigh, then sits and sighs deeply, leaning back.
Marian drops her Nightwatchman’s mask into the fireplace, then drops her cloak in front of it. Robin appears in the rear open doorway.
ROBIN: How are you feeling ?
Marian looks up, surprised. Robin leans on a post with wide, sad eyes.
MARIAN: I’ve been to see Guy. I’ve challenged him.
ROBIN: And let me guess. Steps towards Marian. You asked him if he was a traitor, he said he wasn’t, and you believed him.
Robin nods once and leans on the post at the foot of the stairs and looks out the open front door.
Robin, I think you’ve been wrong about him.
ROBIN: No. Trust me. I’ve been right about him.
MARIAN: Maybe the difference between you and him is not so huge.
Robin’s eyes drift away.
And isn’t that your thesis ? Isn’t that the Robin Hood world view ?
ROBIN: What thesis ?
MARIAN: That one man is much like another. That the poor are no different from the wealthy and just as deserving. Why can’t you apply your charitable principles to somebody who’s been deprived in a different way ? Deprived of love.
ROBIN: Raises eyebrows in disbelief: Deprived of love. Robin crosses to fireplace as Marian reveals her frustration and takes a step to the post by the stairs. Robin notices the mask in the fire. The Nightwatchman.
MARIAN: Turns to face Robin. This is goodbye, Robin. Robin sighs and turns around.
It’s time for us both to grow up and accept our lot in life.
ROBIN: Turns to face Marian. Are you marrying him ?
MARIAN: I am marrying him.
ROBIN: Defeated. Very well.
MARIAN: Surprised: Pardon ?
ROBIN: Walking past Marian: You said grow up, and I’m growing up.
Robin passes her and leaves the house through the back door.
MARIAN: Frowns. Robin, where are you going ?
Robin doesn’t answer and continues on his way. Marian slams her hand into the post in frustration. She expected Robin to keep fighting for her.
MERTON: Arms. What about weapons ?
EDWARD: We will make sure all our men are armed under their cloaks. I will alert the King’s private guard as best I can.
MERTON: I am anxious. What if the Sheriff is planning to—
EDWARD: Interrupts: Remember, the Sheriff will try to kill the King tomorrow. We will have the King’s private guard on our side. And not just that. We will have right on our side. Justice.
Merton nods.
My lords, we’ve been biding our time for too long.
A knock sounds on the door. Merton goes over, draws his sword and points it at the door. The door opens to reveal Much, Will, Little John and Allan.
MUCH: We are Robin Hood’s men, here to protect the King.
EDWARD: Let them in. They are Robin’s men. We can trust them.
Much served the King in Antioch. Steps aside. Welcome, Much. Robin is not with you?
MUCH: Robin is... by himself.
LITTLE JOHN: There is no Robin.
Robin has spent the night on the hillside with his back to a tree.
Birds are chirping. Robin sits looking at the village, utterly depressed.
Meanwhile, the villagers are gladly preparing for the wedding. Gisborne steps out of the church, walking along the pond and watching the hubbub. Thornton approaches him.
THORNTON: Clears his throat. Oh, Master ? About your family.
GISBORNE: I have no family, Thornton.
Thornton hides his surprise and turns to leave.
Thornton... Thornton turns back. Are you married ?
THORNTON: Alas, my wife has died, sir.
GISBORNE: Did she understand you ?
THORNTON: Thinks. I... smiles... think so, sir. Yes. Chuckles.
GISBORNE: That is the thing, isn’t it ? To be understood.
THORNTON: Oh, yes indeed, sir.
GISBORNE: Looks at his reflection in the pond. Sighs. I have committed crimes.
THORNTON: Really ?
GISBORNE: Looks at Thornton. Heinous crimes. Thornton stares at him.
But by taking Marian in holy wedlock... I will wash away those crimes.
Marian unhappily steps out of the house in her wedding attire.
(Overdub of Gisborne’s words to Thornton:
GISBORNE: Her pure heart... will cleanse mine.)
Marian walks to Edward, standing by the coach.
MARIAN: Be careful.
EDWARD: I will.
Marian steps into the coach.
Marian’s coach arrives. Gisborne walks over to meet it. Marian gets out and looks around as Robin slouches on his tree, watching.
GISBORNE: I hope the decorations... the church... I hope they please you.
MARIAN: They do.
GISBORNE: I hope I please you.
MARIAN: You should not be here.
GISBORNE: Darkly: Who should be here ?
MARIAN: You should be inside the church, waiting for me. Steps past Gisborne towards the church.
GISBORNE: Turns around to walk with her. Forgive me. I was unaware.
MARIAN: Have you never been to a wedding before ?
MARIAN: Well, wait inside for me.
Marian stops. Gisborne takes a few more steps towards the church, then turns back.
GISBORNE: Marian, I have dreamed of this day.
MARIAN: Quietly: Go.
GISBORNE: Realising her father is not with her: Sir Edward ?
MARIAN: He was needed on business. He sends his apologies.
Gisborne scoffs and gives her a dark look.
What ?
GISBORNE: Looks at Marian darkly. Nothing.
Gisborne enters the church as the bells start ringing. Marian steps slowly towards the church as Robin watches.
The nobles enter, Edward on horseback. The gang follow in cloaks, like monks.
WILL: This is strange. The gang without Robin.
MUCH: Annoyed. It’s fine. He’s made his decision. It’s fine. Stops.
ALLAN: What are you doing ?
MUCH: Shakes his head and pulls off his hood. There’s something I have to do. I must find Robin. Runs back through the town.
LITTLE JOHN: Come on. It’s up to us. Follows Edward in.
Much runs away from town, runs, runs. He runs up a hill and stops, out of breath. He sees the King’s company approaching.
MUCH: to himself: His Majesty. Smiles. Hey ! Whoa ! Your Majesty, welcome home ! Runs up to the guards, waving his arms. Wait !
The lead soldier pushes Much to the ground.
I’m Much ! I fought in the King’s guard. I’m— sees the King. Your Ma—
Much realises it’s not King Richard as he rides past. Much sits and thinks for a moment, then gets to his feet.
Edward. Looks towards Nottingham. Marian. Looks towards Locksley.
The King’s party rides through the street to cheers by the townsfolk.
The Sheriff has a smug look. The King enters the courtyard, stops and removes his face mail.
SHERIFF: Your Majesty.
He and all the nobles bow, as do the gang in the back.
Welcome to Nottinghamshire, the King’s own county.
KING RICHARD: We are glad to be back on English soil.
SHERIFF: I’m sure we are. Smiles revealing a jewel in his new fake tooth.
The King steps onto the long table, set up like a catwalk in the centre of the room. The nobles applaud.
KING RICHARD: Walking along on the table: My loyal subjects. We have survived the Holy Land and we are grateful for your warm welcome. However, there are those amongst us who are disloyal ...Crowd “oh”s ... who would plot against authority, who do not understand law and order.
The nobles and the gang are unsure what to make of this.
We must quash them now. Pauses.
The Sheriff looks around to see the others’ reactions.
Arrest Sheriff Vaizey ! Points at the Sheriff.
SHERIFF: Feigning surprise well: Me ?
KING RICHARD: Take him to the dungeons.
Edward and Merton can’t believe it.
SHERIFF: Me ? Me ?
Two soldiers each grab an arm of the Sheriff.
Blithering oaf ! Me ? Arrest them ! Arrest all of them ! You idiotic buffoon !
Little John and Allan laugh.
Marian walks solemnly towards the open doors of the church as the villagers toss rose petals at her. Gisborne is already kneeling at the altar.
On the hillside, Robin stands, slings his bundle over his shoulder, picks up his bow and quiver, and walks towards his horse, looking back at the church.
King Richard sits back in the Sheriff ’s tall chair.
KING RICHARD: Good subjects. We must judge the Sheriff according to law. In such a case... we shall hear French evidence.
ALLAN: French evidence ? What ?
KING’S GUARDSMAN: Walter, Lord of Merton.
Merton sighs, looks at Edward, nods, and goes to the King. He kneels and kisses the King’s ring.
Canon Bond is officiating in Latin. Marian and Gisborne are kneeling at his feet.
[This is what we understand, feel free to correct: Marian, vis saber hanc personam Guy Crispin Gisborne, ut sit tua legitima maritum ut cum eas vivas lux tantei ordinationem in sancto matrimonio...]
Merton walks down the corridor.
(Overdub of King’s guardsman’s instructions to Merton as he walks uncertainly:
KING’S GUARDSMAN: Walter, Lord of Merton, go left, à gauche, to give evidence for the Sheriff. Go right, à droit, to give evidence against the Sheriff.)
Merton reaches the end, looks to his right, and enters.
In a small room, the Sheriff, disguised and hidden in a brown cloak, sits at a small table.
SHERIFF: In a gruff voice: Do you wish to give evidence against the Sheriff ?
MERTON: Boldly: I do.
SHERIFF: Gruff voice: Good. Looks up at Merton. Normal voice: God save the King.
The Sheriff, disguised as a scribe, pulls a dagger as Merton realises he’s been tricked. The Sheriff stabs Merton.
Much runs to the door and starts ringing the bell wildly.
MUCH: Stop the wedding ! Stop the wedding !
Everybody in the church turns back to look at him.
Robin, walking along the road out of Locksley leading his horse, hears the bell and stops, puzzled by Much’s outcry.
Stop the wedding ! It’s not the King ! The King is an imposter ! The King is not in Nottingham !
Gisborne’s men grab Much and stop him from ringing the bell.
CANON BOND: Whether the King is in Nottingham or not, that has no bearing on a wedding.
MARIAN: to Gisborne: Did you know this ?
GISBORNE: The priest is right. This makes no difference. Our happiness—
MARIAN: Interrupts: You lied to me ! What else have you lied about ?
Gisborne says nothing but stares straight ahead.
MUCH: Still yelling: He went to the Holy Land ! Points at Gisborne. He tried to kill the King !
GISBORNE: Still looking ahead. I have done wrong, but you will wash away my sins.
MARIAN: If it is not the King...
GISBORNE: It is a ruse by the Sheriff to flush out his enemies.
MARIAN: What will happen to them ?
Gisborne gives her a dark look.
My father ! I must go to Nottingham ! She hurriedly tries to stand up, but Gisborne grabs her by the arm.
GISBORNE: Your father will be safe, I have made provision. He alone will be spared. You see ? My influence, it benefits you. As my father-in-law he is protected. Emphasises: As my father-in-law !
MARIAN: You are cruel !
MUCH: This is wrong !
CANON BOND: You must have legal grounds to object or remain silent.
MUCH: I have moral grounds !
GISBORNE: to his men: Get him out of here !
MUCH: While being dragged off: This man is a traitor ! And a liar ! Is that legal ? And... points at Marian... her heart belongs to another !
Marian is distressed. She is trying to think what to do. She is torn between an opportunity to stop the wedding and a chance to save her father by marrying Gisborne. Gisborne’s men stop leading Much away.
A bit quieter: Let her tell you that.
Marian is still wrestling with her decision.
Marian, my lady. Tell them.
GISBORNE: Yes, Marian. Looks out at the audience. Tell them. Softly: Remember your father.
Marian realises she must go through with the wedding if she is to save her father.
MARIAN: Looking at Much: It is not true. I am sorry. I know you mean well. But my heart belongs here.
GISBORNE: to priest: Get on with it !
MUCH: What ?!
Gisborne’s men continue to drag him away.
I don’t understand ! This is surely some mistake !
CANON BOND: You have a ring ?
MUCH: He needs you ! MARIAN !!!
GISBORNE: Putting ring on Marian’s finger: Wise decision. In time you will thank me.
Much yells as he is pushed into the lake. Marian, resolved, slowly pulls the ring off her left hand, and puts it on her right ring finger.
CANON BOND: No, the left hand.
CANON BOND: The ring must go on the left hand.
MARIAN: No. Removes the veil from in front of her face. The right is better.
Marian punches Gisborne just below the eye.
Marian runs out of the church, wildly looking around for Robin, whom she knows must be there. Robin comes into the village galloping on his horse. Marian smiles at the sight of him.
ROBIN: Do you take this man, and this horse, as your route out of here ?
MARIAN: I do !
Marian runs, smiling broadly, weaving her way through the people and tables to the main path and to Robin as Much crawls out of the lake.
MUCH: Master ! The King ! It’s not the King ! He’s an imposter !
ROBIN: A trap ! I knew it ! Who’s there ?
MUCH: Everyone ! The gang !
MARIAN: Robin, my father. He leads the rebellion.
Robin pulls Marian up behind him on his horse and turns to gallop to Nottingham. Marian takes the veil off her head and lets it fly behind them. Much rides another horse behind them.
KING’S GUARDSMAN: Former Sheriff, Edward of Knighton !
ALLAN: Tell it how it is, Edward ! Slaps him on the shoulder.
EDWARD: I will.
Edward steps forward. Little John shakes his head.
GISBORNE’S MAN: Running in to Gisborne: We can catch her for you, sir.
Gisborne bends down to pick up the ring from the floor.
GISBORNE: No. Let her go. His look is dark.
Edward kneels and kisses the King’s ring, then steps towards the hallway.
KING’S GUARDSMAN: Lord Knighton, go left, à gauche, to give evidence for the Sheriff. Go right, à droit, to give evidence against the Sheriff.
The doors close behind him.
Robin and Marian, on one horse, and Much, on another, arrive. They stop in front of the gate. Two soldiers stand guard.
ROBIN: We can’t be seen together.
MUCH: We’d never get in anyway.
MARIAN: I’ll try the east gate. She dismounts.
ROBIN: We’ll try the west.
Robin and Much gallop off left to the west gate. Marian starts running to the right to the east gate.
ROBIN: Marian !
MARIAN: Turning around. Robin !
Robin gallops back in front of the south gate. Marian runs back to him. Robin leans down from the horse and gives Marian a long kiss. He straightens up, smiling, as does she. Robin rides off again. Marian lovingly watches him go, then runs off again herself.
Edward walks down the hallway. Meanwhile, the Sheriff is waiting, the hood over his face, tapping his quill impatiently on the table.
Robin and Much run in. Robin finds a coil of rope hanging on the side of a cart.
ROBIN: Much.
Much looks at him. Robin tosses his bow to Much and then ties the rope around an arrow. Much realises what the plan is.
MUCH: Climbing. Robin takes his bow back. You know I hate climbing.
Robin adjusts the knot on the arrow and shoots the arrow up.
Edward reaches the end of the hallway. He pauses, looks to his right, then goes right.
The Sheriff, disguised, points his quill at the visitor.
SHERIFF: In a gruff voice: Do you wish to give evidence against the Sheriff ?
Two arrows in quick succession pierce the table in front of him. The Sheriff pops his head up, surprised.
ROBIN: Laughing: A clue: No !
Robin turns and leaves the room. The Sheriff makes to follow, but his sleeves are pinned to the table by the arrows. He frustratingly grabs the arrows, but can’t work them loose.
SHERIFF: Help ! Help !
Robin, Much and Edward run away, back to the Great Hall.
The doors open on the lower level and Much runs in through the doors by the fireplace and jumps up on the table in front of the King’s throne.
MUCH: It’s a trap ! It’s a trap! Points at the King. This is not the King !
MAN: Arrest that impostor !
ALLAN: I knew this smellt funny.
KING: Pointing at Much: Get him !
MUCH: to gang: Run !
Allan, Little John, Will and Djaq scramble away as Robin enters the Hall through the same door with the rope over his shoulder and bow in hand.
ALLAN: It’s not funny !
Allan, Little John, Will and Djaq must stop as a group of soldiers enter the lower level below the balcony.
Robin runs in behind them, then, seeing they are trapped, turns around and knocks out a guard behind him with his bow, and beckons to the group to run up the stairs.
ROBIN: Shall we ?
ALLAN: I thought we were out of a job.
WILL: Good to have you back.
ROBIN: Smiles. It’s good to be back.
Robin runs up the stairs after them, but the Sheriff calls out.
SHERIFF: Robin !
Robin stops, frustrated, on the landing halfway up the stairs.
Not so fast, my friend !
Robin impatiently looks back at the Sheriff, who has Much bent over with a dagger to his throat.
Sorry to burst your bubble, Hood ! But... The Sheriff pulls Much up to standing by his collar. ... I’m sure you know how this goes, hm ? Hands up.
The Sheriff chuckles as Robin calmly grabs the end of the rope and looks up to see where Little John is.
Spoilt my game, Hood. Tut-tut.
ROBIN: John ! Catch !
Robin throws the coil of rope up, holding an end for himself, and Allan catches the rope next to John on the landing at the top of the stairs. Two soldiers enter through the doors there. As Robin grabs an arrow from his quiver and fits the knot over its tip, Little John throws his cloak over the two soldiers and Allan loops the rope over them. Robin aims at the ceiling, fires, and two loud ricochets are heard as the Sheriff drops his guard on Much. Marian rushes in to her father’s side, then the arrow falls down, piercing the Sheriff ’s sandal between his toes. Much realises this first, as the Sheriff is still following the arrow’s path. The Sheriff sees Much looking down, looks down himself at his shoe, and looks anxiously back up at Much. Much smiles and runs. Little John and Will push the captured soldiers through the bannister, who in turn pull the Sheriff up by his foot.
ROBIN: With his bow pointed at the Sheriff: Everybody still, if you please !
Allan smiles at the top of the stairs and glances back at Will.
I think we can safely say... an audience with the King has been suspended !
The Sheriff is furious, Edward and Marian are smiling slightly, and the gang are laughing. The Sheriff is roaring with anger.
Come on, lads ! Let’s go home.
He winks to Marian, who smiles more brightly.
SHERIFF: Come back ! Get me down from here, you blithering oafs !
Robin and the gang walk down the outside steps. Robin looks back at them all proudly. They take a few more steps, then they all throw a fist in the air and cheer.