Ce script a été réalisé par Allthingsrobin sur le site Hood Winked.
This transcript was made by Allthingsrobin on Hood Winked.
Robin is talking to the miller, Owen. Behind them, Owen’s wife, Kate, and son, Matthew, are taking their belongings out of the mill. Much is waiting at a nearby fence.
OWEN: How? Joderic will be under orders.
ROBIN: How is not for you to worry about.
OWEN: I cannot be seen to take from you.
Robin puts his hands on his hips.
OWEN: I cannot even be seen with you. Our Matthew... looks back at Matthew... Our Matthew has work at the castle.
ROBIN: Owen, take your wife and family and get your belongings back into the mill. Joderic will not evict you today.
Owen nods and goes to his family. Robin steps back to Much, still watching Owen.
MUCH: Let’s go.
OWEN: To Kate Robin says you’re going to be all right. Continues as Much talks to Robin.We can move our belongings back into the house. He’s going to talk to Joderic and...
MUCH: What are you waiting for?
ROBIN: Still watching Owen and Kate Nothing.
OWEN: ... explain things to him. Everything’s going to be all right.
MUCH: Oh, please.
ROBIN: What?!
MUCH: You want to see the look on her face, don’t you? You want to see the gratitude.
Kate looks gratefully at Robin, crying. Robin watches a moment longer as Owen, Kate and Matthew embrace. Then he and Much leave.
Joderic and retinue are riding towards Nettlestone on horseback. Robin jumps out in front of him, the gang close behind.
ROBIN: Joderic!
JODERIC: Stops his horse Robin, do not interfere. You know I have to do this. And you know there are Sheriff ’s men on their way to make sure there’s no trouble.
ROBIN: Do you have to do this? Tilts head enquiringly.
JODERIC: I did it under the old sheriff. You did not complain.
ROBIN: Glances back quickly and shifts his feet. That was different.
JODERIC : How? Two things are certain in life: death and taxes.
ROBIN: But when the death is caused by the taxes, something is rotten.
Joderic shrugs.
ROBIN: Take this. Tosses a purse to Joderic. The miller’s debt.
JODERIC: I cannot. This is stolen money. The Sheriff knows the miller cannot afford it.
Robin tilts his head again, then smiles. Joderic thinks.
JODERIC: I could break it into small amounts, pay it in over time.
Robin nods.
JODERIC: That would be credible.
ROBIN: Every time somebody breaks bread in Nettlestone, points to Joderic, they will thank you, Joderic.
JODERIC: Chuckles Sure.
ROBIN: Do me a favour. Steps forward. Tell them you have not seen me. Tell them this was your own scheme. Winks.
ROBIN : My friends think I am vain!
The gang run off, Roy looking sceptically first at Joderic. Joderic watches them go with disdain.
Owen comes out of the mill, Kate behind him, as Joderic rides into the village.
KATE: He’s here to evict us. Robin did not make it right.
OWEN: He said he would .x it.
KATE: How?
Robin and the gang peer through the trees at the village.
ROY: Uh, let me get this straight. We’re giving money to a tax collector?
ROBIN: A bailiff.
ROY: Oh, that makes all difference.
Robin shakes his head and watches Joderic dismount and walk over to Owen and Kate as Matthew comes out.
JODERIC: Owen, Kate, as you know I am here today...
OWEN: Interrupts Did... didn’t you see Robin Hood? He said he’d speak to you so we wouldn’t be evicted.
JODERIC: No, no, I’m sorry. I have not seen Robin Hood.
A bow with a nocked arrow appears in the trees.
JODERIC: But we can work this out.
The arrow flies and hits Joderic squarely in the back. Kate screams as Joderic falls. Robin looks to where the arrow came from as Owen sets Joderic gently on the ground.
OWEN: He’s killed him. Robin’s killed him!
Robin watches in disbelief.
Behind the gang, someone runs through the trees. Robin quickly starts pursuit.
ROBIN : Oi! Stop!
Robin chases the cloaked person through the trees, then cuts ahead of him and pushes him down a small hill. They tumble down together, then as Robin stands, the man kicks him hard down the rest of the hill.
MUCH: Master!
Much runs after Robin as the mystery person runs away. Robin is on his back and lifts his head to see the mystery man is gone. He lets his head fall back and sighs.
Roy is sitting on top of a boulder.
ROY: What, you can’t believe someone’s better than you?
Robin, sitting nearby, looks at him because he’s missing the point.
ROY: He kicked you good.
ROBIN : Who is he?
WILL: Sharpening an arrow with his hatchet. The Nightwatchman.
ROBIN: Well, I’ve never heard of him.
He stands, goes to the fire and sits next to Much, who is eating.
WILL: The Nightwatchman? Been around for years. Maybe you were off on a crusade. He’s a good man. He’s, er, talked about in all the villages. He’s been seen in Nottingham, even at the castle. Always at night.
ROY: Leaves medicine and stuff. Food. Sheriff ’s men are ordered to shoot him on sight, but he’s never hurt a fly.
ROBIN : Why did he kill Joderic then? Shakes his head. We need to find him.
Much and Allan continue to chew their food.
Council of Nobles. The Sheriff is seated behind the table, Gisborne stands at the end of the table to his left, de Fourtnoy at the end to his right. Marian stands behind her father.
SHERIFF : The villagers of Nettlestone report that Robin Hood killed an innocent bailiff today. This is marvellous, isn’t it? What drama. Because now, even his beloved villagers will lose patience when their heroes start picking them off. To Gisborne What else are they saying?
GISBORNE : Hood was ful.lling a promise to prevent an eviction.
SHERIFF: Mm. War has addled his brain. I’m not at all surprised. So, what do you propose we do?
GISBORNE: Immediate reprisals against villages.
MARIAN: Joderic would not want that. Why should more innocent people suffer because of his death?
Edward holds up his hand, trying to silence her.
MARIAN: The same people who witnessed and reported the crime? And did this strategy of reprisals work in the villages before? Shakes head. No.
SHERIFF: Marian is right.
Gisborne stares at Marian.
SHERIFF: We will not be going down that road again. De Fourtnoy, alternatives?
de FOURTNOY : There is a... political advantage to be had here.
Gisborne scoffs silently.
SHERIFF: Robin Hood has given us the high ground, we should keep it. My thoughts exactly.
de FOURTNOY: We could have the town criers announce what’s taken place. Make sure everybody knows that an... an innocent was killed.
SHERIFF : Good. We are going to win hearts and minds. Stands and walks past Gisborne.
GISBORNE : My lord.
The Sheriff stops.
GISBORNE :I still believe actions rather than words. If I had the resources, I could deal with him. I could hunt him down.
SHERIFF : Very well. We’ll do both and may the best man win.
Gisborne smirks at de Fourtnoy.
Joderic’s funeral. The Sheriff is delivering the eulogy to a gathered crowd, Gisborne and de Fourtnoy stand on either side of him at a distance.
SHERIFF: Joderic was unique. He was kind, compassionate, learned.
Marian and Edward are in attendance, listening.
SHERIFF: The murder of the bailiff...
EDWARD: To Marian: We’ll leave as soon as Joderic’s buried. We can say you were too upset.
MARIAN: Looks at Edward I am too upset.
Marian notices Lacey standing guard in the crowd beyond Edward. During the parenthetical speech, Marian walks over to Lacey and speaks with him.
SHERIFF : In response to this change of direction from Robin Hood who now seems to be targeting innocent civilians, I have recalled all men of eligible age to join us in this war on terror. Make no mistake, that is what this is, a war on terror. These people, Robin Hood... attack the
very heart of our system, robbing us...
MARIAN: Joe, what are you doing here? You cannot work.
LACEY : They’ve made everyone come back in. Called me out of retirement.
MARIAN: I will talk to the Sheriff. I will get you off your duties.
LACEY: Work helps. I still reach out for her in the night. I know it’s daft...
MARIAN: It is not daft. When all this is over, you are coming home with us.
Robin and the gang appear behind the crowd in the gate.
SHERIFF: ... of our humanity and of our innocence.
There is a smattering of applause. The Sheriff raises a fist.
SHERIFF: All this, gone in one moment, with one arrow .red from the bow of Robin Hood! Clenches his fist. And in that moment, Robin Hood has forced upon us the responsibility. The responsibility to choose...
MUCH : To Robin He’s saying you killed Joderic!
ROBIN : Of course he is!
MUCH: Yes, but he’s making us look like... criminals!
ROY : You know, we are criminals. Are we suddenly something else?
SHERIFF : ... between stability, order, authority, or the random chaotic cruelty of Robin Hood and all outlaws like him. This cowardly crime, this murder, will be punished. We will hunt Hood down with dogs if necessary, and we will ensure that he does not succeed. We will not be cowed. This is what he wants...
Meanwhile, Robin sees Marian talking to Lacey in the crowd. He gently edges through the people towards her, then lightly fires an arrow at her hip. Marian looks around, sees him gesturing with his head to follow him.
MARIAN: You never shoot me, understand?
She pushes the arrow, broadside, into his chest. Robin takes the arrow, then steps away towards the portcullis to see that no-one has followed them, then steps back to Marian.
ROBIN : This, this is all in my honour, isn’t it?
MARIAN: Whispers Well, you really do think everything is about you, don’t you.
ROBIN: Loudly Only when it is about me!
MARIAN: Whispers You have given him a stick to beat you with. You killed an innocent clerk and now, here he is making the most of it.
ROBIN : Points to self I did not do it!
MARIAN: Quietly, not quite believing him I’m sure.
ROBIN: It was the so-called non-violent Nightwatchman!
MARIAN : Scoffs. Assuredly No.
ROBIN : I saw him. I was there.
MARIAN : Matter-of-factly It was not the Nightwatchman.
ROBIN: How do you know?
MARIAN : A bit flustered I know!
ROBIN : Then why did he run?
MARIAN: Well, why did you run from Joderic?
Robin scoffs and turns aside. Marian checks to see if anyone is listening. Robin turns back.
MARIAN: I should go.
ROBIN : You must help me.
MARIAN : I am helping you. I’m telling you it was not the Nightwatchman.
ROBIN : Whoever it is, I will .nd him. I can look everywhere apart from one place. I need you to look in the castle.
MARIAN : I need you to not tell me what to do.
ROBIN : Please! I must clear my name!
MARIAN: And what about catching the killer? Is that not more important than your name?
ROBIN: If people do not trust me, then what good can I do?
MARIAN : Sighs I'll try. Leaves abruptly.
Gisborne, entering the castle, passes de Fourtnoy, leaving the Great Hall.
GISBORNE : Tell me, de Fourtnoy, is master-at-arms just a ceremonial osition now?
De Fourtnoy glares at him.
GISBORNE : Because problems like Hood demand real solutions. Scoffs Town criers?
Gisborne leaves to the courtyard and de Fourtnoy glares after him.
Gisborne appears in the main doors and gazes out at the assembled crowd of hunters and dogs. Marian approaches him from the cloister.
MARIAN : Sir Guy.
MARIAN: Looks out at the courtyard, concerned. All these dogs for one man?
GISBORNE : Yeah. It was my idea. The master-at-arms would have us do nothing.
MARIAN: Trying not to sound too eager. You are in competition?
GISBORNE: He’s a little man promoted too far, and anyone would make a better master-at-arms.
MARIAN: Smiles Politics. Even when my father was the sheriff, I could not grasp the intricacies. He sent me here, by the way. He thinks it is safer with a killer on the loose.
GISBORNE: You say a killer. You do not think it is Hood?
MARIAN : Whoever it is, he thought it would be safer here in the castle.
GISBORNE : Turns towards the courtyard No. That’s not permitted.
MARIAN : Appears disappointed Oh.
GISBORNE: Looks back, sorry she’s disappointed, and sighs. Gently: I’ll talk to the Sheriff.
MARIAN : Smiles quietly Thank you, Sir Guy.
GISBORNE : Steps forward to address the hunters Right, I want a line sweeping south through the forest. Let’s show de Fourtnoy how to hunt down Robin Hood. With these dogs, he will run.
The gang are packing up their camp when they hear the faint barking of lots of dogs.
LITTLE JOHN : This I do not like.
Allan goes to check it out as Will runs in from his watch point, out of breath.
WILL : The King’s guild of hunters and foresters. Catches his breath. Coming this way. Points behind him. Dogs!
Allan runs to the top of a hill and looks down on several dogs and their handlers, advancing quickly.
ROBIN: Pairs. Meet where we store the provisions.
The gang scatter as Robin grabs a dead rabbit and runs, Much following him. Robin .ings the rabbit aside, hoping the dogs will follow its scent instead. Little John with Roy and Allan with Will run from the dogs.
The Sheriff is seated at a table looking a piece of parchment. He reaches for his seal and stamps it. Matthew enters with a tray. He sets it down to the left of the Sheriff, then turns to leave.
SHERIFF: Matthew, am I left handed?
Matthew turns to face him.
SHERIFF: A clue... holds up his seal in his right hand... no.
MATTHEW: Sorry, sir.
Matthew moves tray to the Sheriff ’s other side as the Sheriff puts down the parchment and picks up another. He skims it over as he pours wax from the spoon onto it.
SHERIFF : Stand on one leg.
Matthew stands on his left leg.
SHERIFF : No, the right one.
Matthew switches feet.
SHERIFF :One hour. That might help you to remember, hm? Stamps the wax on the parchment then rubs his hands together. So, new boy, how are you finding your new job, eh? Chuckles. Oh, don’t worry. You know, you’re a lucky boy. Circles behind Matthew. Now your daddy’s mill is shut, you could... Whispers in his ear... could be running through the forest chased by hounds.
Suddenly the window behind them breaks and Matthew grunts and falls to the floor, an arrow in his back. The Sheriff quickly steps aside into his hanging birdcages.
SHERIFF : Guards! Guards!
Two guards enter.
SHERIFF : Raise the alarm!
The guards leave and de Fourtnoy comes in as the Sheriff steadies the cages.
SHERIFF : In my own room? In my own room? Where are the men?
de FOURTNOY : Gisborne has taken them to hunt Hood with the dogs.
SHERIFF : Gisborne is a fool!
De Fourtnoy kneels down to check Matthew, who is gasping his last breaths.
de FOURTNOY : Evidently, Hood has evaded him.
SHERIFF: This has nothing to do with Robin Hood!
De Fourtnoy stands.
SHERIFF: Now, you lock down this castle. You tell Gisborne to scrap the dogs and .nd the killer!
de FOURTNOY : Yes, my lord. Leaves the room and closes the door.
The Sheriff yanks the doors open again.
De Fourtnoy turns, surprised.
SHERIFF: Now, you tell Gisborne to double the dogs!
de FOURTNOY : But, my lord, I thought you said it could not be Hood.
SHERIFF : Holds up two fingers Two words: mud sticks. Hood’s already been blamed for one death, let’s blame him for two. Let Gisborne have his hunt. Meanwhile, you find out who’s really responsible for this.
de FOURTNOY : Yes, my lord.
The Sheriff returns to his room and shuts the door.
Gisborne is bringing Matthew’s body back to his family. Kate is crying as she walks to the cart with the body. Gisborne dismounts his horse and walks to the back of the cart.
GISBORNE: We pray for Matthew’s soul... as he journeys to a better place. Watch over us, Matthew, and be proud. We will bring Robin Hood to justice. You have my word.
Kate cries harder.
Will and Allan have lost their pursuers and are trudging to meet Robin at the rock wall.
WILL : I don’t believe it. The soldiers found it.
Robin and Much arrive from a different direction.
MUCH:No! That was our... that was our store.
Robin and Little John walk over to the smouldering pit.
ROBIN : John, they’ve destroyed everything.
MUCH: That was our food!
Robin waves at the smoke, peering into the hole.
The Sheriff enters his room under guard. De Fourtnoy is there with servants and the window is boarded up.
SHERIFF : What is going on? I am hiding in my own castle. I cannot move in my own castle! To the guards. Out. Get out. Get out!
The Sheriff pushes his guards out the door.
de FOURTNOY : We will not leave a stone unturned, my lord. The killer will be found.
SHERIFF: You will not leave a stone unturned. He will be found. La-di-da-di-da. Well, get on with it then!
De Fourtnoy claps his hands and the servants leave. The Sheriff sits at the table. De Fourtnoy starts to leave.
SHERIFF: How is Gisborne doing with Locksley?
de FOURTNOY : More dogs have been brought in, but the outlaw is still on the run.
SHERIFF: Have you put it about that he’s killed at least twice?
de FOURTNOY : Yes, my lord. Tries to leave again.
SHERIFF: Good. Do you think two deaths are enough, hm? To get them to really turn against him, the rebel? Hm? If we’re going to blame Hood, well, let’s do it properly. What do you think? Hm? I think maybe a few more deaths, it’d be interesting. You know, pretty deaths, not just boys, but pretty deaths.
De Fourtnoy nods once and leaves.
A maid is polishing goblets as Marian passes by under guard. An arrow shoots the maid, who screams and falls to the floor. Marian rushes back to her side.
MARIAN : Guards!
GUARD: Quickly! The cloister!
Marian looks up at the tower and sees a helmet disappear from the window. A moment later De Fourtnoy rushes into the cloister.
de FOURTNOY : Lady Marian, come away, if you please.
MARIAN: How could this happen? I thought you had the castle locked down!
de FOURTNOY : You must go back to your room. It is not safe here. Points inside.
Marian starts to leave but stops to look at de Fourtnoy as he checks the maid, then continues as a soldier follows her.
A stableboy is shot.
A page is shot.
Gisborne runs down the stairs and confronts de Fourtnoy. The Sheriff is sitting behind the table.
GISBORNE : What is going on here? Three people have been killed under [points at de Fourtnoy] your nose!
de FOURTNOY: Well, that is unfortunate.
GISBORNE: It’s incompetent.
de FOURTNOY: And what have you achieved? You found some food, the remnants of a picnic, but Robin Hood, no!
GISBORNE: At least I found something, which is more than can be said for you!
de FOURTNOY : Well, you said that...
The Sheriff stands and interrupts the shouting match.
SHERIFF: Shut up! Couple of women! Grow up!
The Sheriff walks to the end of the table and takes a goblet from Marian. She picks up another.
MARIAN : Forgive me. All these killings... Walks over to Gisborne... they are attributed to Robin Hood, but what proof is there? There were no witnesses. How could he have moved about the castle unchallenged by your guards? Looks at de Fourtnoy. And you, yourself, must have been there moments before the maid was killed?
de FOURTNOY : Evasively That I cannot recall.
MARIAN: And from one point of view, the killings have been useful, no? Giving you the chance to shine?
De Fourtnoy looks at Gisborne. Marian turns and goes upstairs. The Sheriff steps over to de Fourtnoy.
SHERIFF : Did she see you?
de FOURTNOY : She’s guessing, my lord. She’s a girl.
Robin and Much run, dogs chasing them. Allan, Little John and Roy join them. After a bit, they stop, catching their breath by a large tree.
MUCH: Do you think Will will bring some water?
The others are just trying to catch their breath.
MUCH: A bit of bread wouldn’t go amiss. Perhaps some cheese.
ROY : Breathless We-we-we’re going to be c-captured, tortured and hanged... and he w-wants cheese?
Dogs bark in the background.
ROY : Oh, don’t they ever give up?
Robin reaches back for an arrow and .ts it into his bow. The others start to run again, but Robin aims over the hill.
MUCH: Master, the dogs!
Robin doesn’t move.
MUCH : Steps towards Robin. We cannot stay. There’s too many of them!
ROBIN : Looks back at Much. Well, we must do something! We are running away when we should be in pursuit! The Nightwatchman is still out there!
Robin aims his bow again as the dogs get closer. Robin realises it’s futile and shows his frustration.
ROBIN : Points. We head east... back to Nettlestone.
All run off.
Robin, Much, Little John, Roy and Allan walk into the town. The villagers are stunned. “Look who it is!” “Get out of our village. You’re not welcome here!” Robin tries to talk to them anyway.
ROBIN : Hello. Excuse me. Do you know if the Nightwatchman has been back here again? He is ignored. Has the Nightwatchman been back at all?
MUCH : To another villager Do you have any food? Any water? Anything? We are weary.
Roy is asking around, too.
ROY: Excuse me, do you have anything to eat?
WOMAN: You’ll hang for what you’ve done!
Kate comes running out of her shelter at the gang. Owen chases her.
KATE: You killed my son!
ROBIN : What?!
ROBIN: Matthew’s dead?
Kate heads for Robin.
Kate throws herself at Robin. The gang gather round as Owen pulls her off.
KATE: You deny it?
ROBIN : Yes! Kate, you know me!
OWEN : And Joderic? You told me yourself you’d see to him. If I’d known you would kill him...
ROBIN : Steps towards Owen. Owen, I swear, I could never hurt Matthew!
KATE : Struggling to get away from Owen. Matthew! Don’t you say his name! Don’t you put his name in your mouth!
ROBIN : Steps forward. I swear I never killed Matthew! I didn’t kill Joderic!
MAN : No, and you didn’t kill those others, either.
ROBIN : What others?!
KATE : Gets free and attacks Robin again. I hope they draw your guts out and quarter you!
Little John pulls Kate off.
ALLAN: We didn’t do it! We didn’t do any of it!
MAN : Hold them for the Sheriff.
The villagers try to capture the gang but the gang hold them off. Once a stalemate has been reached, Robin speaks his mind to the villagers.
ROBIN : I’m fighting for you! The Sheriff hangs people for stealing bread! He cuts out their tongues! He divides us.
Owen pushes Robin.
MAN : Get out!
MUCH: We’re going. Let’s get out of here!
Much pushes Robin out of the village as the others cover.
LITTLE JOHN : Brandishing his staff. Stay back! Stay there!
MAN : Leave us be, you son of a cur!
Owen hugs a sobbing Kate.
MAN :Let’s go! Let’s get after them!
Robin is pacing, frustrated with the day’s events.
ROBIN : I walked away from my home... for them! I gave myself up to the Sheriff, for them!
ALLAN: We gave Joderic money for them.
ROY: I never really did understand that.
Will taps his hand excitedly. Robin jerks up his head (like “what’s that in your hand?”) and walks over to him.
WILL : Stands to face Robin. It’s the, er... it’s a tag. I re.ned it. You can’t copy it now. It’s only me and my dad know how to do edges like that. Hands the tag to Robin.
ROBIN : Turns the tag over in his hand. It’s good. Looks Will in the eye. It’s good. Walks off.
Marian is walking through the cloister when she is stopped by a soldier.
SOLDIER : Sorry, my lady, you can’t come through here.
MARIAN : I’ve come to see Sergeant Lacey.
Lacey, a few men away, turns to them.
LACEY : I’ll deal with this.
The soldier drops his arm and Marian passes him.
LACEY : You shouldn’t be here, Marian. It’s not safe.
MARIAN : I know. Thank you.
LACEY : It’s all right.
MARIAN: It’s not though, is it?
LACEY : Stares a moment, then sighs. No. Who’d have thought? Robin a killer? All these people dead. I can’t understand. Matthew... his poor mum and dad. I know how they feel. It was the same with Ruth. You try not to dwell on it, remember the good times.
Marian is listening, eyes glistening.
LACEY : The only thing I regret is that she didn’t die in her own bed. That I cannot...
Marian pats Lacey’s arm and tries to smile.
All is quiet. The gang stop to sit, looking around. Robin makes a decision and goes to sit beside Little John.
ROBIN: John, I need you to take over. I have to go to the castle. Enough is enough. We stop running, now.
WILL: You’re not going to give yourself in again?
ROBIN : Not this time.
ALLAN : I’ve got some ideas for how you could get in.
ROBIN : Go on.
ALLAN : Well, do you want clever or really clever?
ROBIN : I want fast.
Marian is with Lacey. Marian walks to the end of a wall and peers around it.
MARIAN: From here, could I shoot an arrow through that window?
Mimes a bow in her hand, aiming at the tower window.
LACEY : Pull smoothly, like you’re combing your hair.
Marian, still aiming her “bow,” steps aside to see the corridor opposite her (above the side steps) and the Sheriff walking through there with several guards.
LACEY : You could.
MARIAN : Drops her hands. But of course I wouldn’t. Turns to Lacey. You’re teasing me, aren’t you?
Lacey stares at her, then smiles. Marian smiles, too, steps to him and leans on the wall.
LACEY: Yeah, I’ll say anything, I will. I’m from the days when you could. Nowadays, we hold our tongues, those of us lucky enough to still have them.
Both chuckle slightly.
LACEY: Say one thing and when we mean another.
Marian looks up at the tower window.
LACEY: For instance...
Marian looks back at him.
LACEY: Well, you say you want archery lessons, but you’re really only interested in bow range.
Marian glances at the window, then raises her eyebrows at Lacey, but says nothing.
LACEY: You’re trying to prove it couldn’t be him.
Marian scoffs, but can’t hide a smile. She looks away again.
LACEY: You still love him?
MARIAN : Still looking away. No. Looks back at Lacey, smiling. Who?
LACEY : He knows. Tell him. Not that you ever see him, but tell him. Good people do still love him.
Marian is still smiling slightly.
Allan lights a pile of hay in the town with a torch. Robin quickly climbs up a roof to thebattlements. Two castle guards run across the battlements to the fire and look down at it while Robin judges, then jumps to the overhanging crane. He pulls his feet over the crossbeam, then climbs on top and sneaks over the battlements.
The Sheriff is asleep. Robin puts his hand over the Sheriff ’s mouth. The Sheriff awakens, trying to yell. Robin has a knife held ready by the Sheriff ’s head. The Sheriff relaxes and is quiet. Robin removes his hand.
SHERIFF : Why can it never be a beautiful woman?
ROBIN : Call off your dogs.
SHERIFF : Why? You’re a mad killer.
ROBIN : Sarcastically offended. You know I’m not.
SHERIFF : Pretends to be sad. It’s true. So, now we’ve got that sorted, what do you want to do, slit my other wrist?
ROBIN : It seems to me that somebody wants you dead.
SHERIFF: Oh, God, what’s new? Welcome to my world. Slides up onto the pillow.
ROBIN : I came to your room unseen. If the killer is half as good as me, he will do the same.
SHERIFF: And your point is?
ROBIN : I can catch him for you.
The Sheriff thinks a bit, breathes in loudly, then props up on one elbow.
SHERIFF: Two questions. How... and why?
ROBIN : Ride through Nettlestone village. Parade yourself. Make sure everybody knows you’re there. That will draw out the killer and my men will shoot him.
SHERIFF: Well, what about my men?
ROBIN : Because mine are invisible.
SHERIFF: Supposing... I agree... why?
ROBIN : Quietly. Innocent people are being killed. Whispers: I cannot allow that.
SHERIFF : Smiles. Oh, come along, Robin. Rests sideways on his pillow. This is pillow talk, isn’t it?
Robin smiles, glances down, then to the right.
SHERIFF: Hm? Oh, come on, you can be honest with me. That’s not the real reason, is it? Do you want to know what the real reason is? Whispers. Nobody loves you any more. Hm?
Robin holds his tongue, not wanting to argue.
SHERIFF: They’ve turned against you, the common serfs. And really, those are the people that you love the most. That’s what you can’t allow to happen.
ROBIN : Slowly, sternly, in the Sheriff ’s face. Do we have an agreement?
SHERIFF : Oh, have a touched a sore point?
ROBIN : I’ll take that as a yes.
The Sheriff chuckles.
ROBIN : And by the way, this... Dangles a tag in front of the Sheriff. ... is for you. For future reference.
The Sheriff takes the tag.
ROBIN : Anybody wearing one of those is with me.Nods once and leaves.
SHERIFF: How sweet. Holds the tag to his chest. Robin, does it go with my dress?
ROBIN : Takes a full purse from the table. This is my fee for saving your life.
SHERIFF : Pretends to sleep. Mmm. Lifts his head, realising what Robin has just done.
Robin sneaks away from the Sheriff ’s room. He runs across two soldiers, who chase him. Robin runs into a room. One of the soldiers opens the door.
Marian sits up, startled, hugging the covers to her.
SOLDIER: I’m sorry, my lady.
The soldier closes door. Robin peeks out from under the coverlet.
ROBIN : Smiling brightly: So, this is you with your hair down! Rolls out of the bed.
MARIAN : You cannot be here! Pushes Robin.
ROBIN : Shh! Walks to end of bed. Do not be such a spoilsport, Marian. He checks to see if anyone is listening at the door. Hearing nothing, he smiles back at Marian and walks back to the foot of the bed and reaches up to lean one hand on the top crosspiece of the bed.
MARIAN: Listen, I’ve been trying to think about who could have done this. I think the killer is de Fourtnoy, the master-at-arms.
ROBIN : Because?
MARIAN: Well, he was right there when the maid was killed. And think about it, a murderer on the loose merely consolidates his position. The situation is in his interests.
ROBIN :Well, I intend to change the situation.
MARIAN : You think just because you want to change things, you can?
ROBIN : It’s hard to change the things you do not want to change.
Steps to Marian’s side.
MARIAN : And what about just getting away while you can?
Robin sits down next to Marian on the bed, his face close to hers.
ROBIN : Why? When we’re having so much fun?
MARIAN: Oh! Does anything touch you, Robin?
ROBIN : What does that mean?
MARIAN : It means you wander around as if nothing could hurt you. As if arrows would bounce off you. I do not think I’ve ever seen you hurt.
ROBIN: Oh, I have been hurt.
MARIAN: Tell me.
Robin’s shoulders fall as he sighs and looks down.
MARIAN: See? You think it is strong not to feel. But if you cannot admit you feel, how can you understand when others feel? How can you be a whole man?
ROBIN : I feel when innocent people are shot down. I feel when my men are hunted like animals. I feel when good people turn against me.
MARIAN : I was talking about you to someone today. A good man. Someone who still remembers you from the old days. And you know... Slowly, meaningful... there are still people who love you.
Knocking at the door.
SOLDIER : Off-stage My lady!
MARIAN : One moment!
SOLDIER : Off-stage I must search your room.
MARIAN : Go! Out! Pushes Robin off. He heads to the door, then turns back.
ROBIN: By the way, your investigations. Kisses Marian on the cheek. Good work!
Marian smiles, pleased.
ROBIN: Let’s see if you’re right tomorrow.
Marian frowns, not understanding. Robin goes to door, opens it, and holds a finger (shh) to his lips as he leaves.
SOLDIER : Knocking. My lady!
Robin sits with his back against a tree.
ROY: You got the Sheriff to call of the dogs?
Robin nods.
ROY: How?
OBIN: Pillow talk.
ALLAN: You been in bed with the Sheriff ?
ROBIN: I brokered a deal.
LITTLE JOHN : Looks back at Robin. We do not deal with the Sheriff !
ROBIN : Tomorrow... Stands... we save his life.
ALLAN: What?
MUCH: Can we argue about that tomorrow? Today, if there are no dogs, I would like to sleep.
He lies down.
ROBIN : Well, I have a better idea.
ALLAN: Another one?
ROY: If it’s as good as saving the Sheriff ’s life, I’m with cheese boy.
Much raises a hand in acknowledgement.
ROBIN : Did they find the food we stored up at the longstone?
Little John shakes his head.
Will and Allan carry a large basket between them. Little John carries his staff across the back of his shoulders and has a sack hanging off each end, like a yoke. Roy is also carrying some sacks. Much, carrying a small barrel, is walking with Robin, who has an even smaller barrel and a ham.
ROBIN: If we were killers, would we bring them food? It proves we are not killers.
MUCH: But they hate us.
ROBIN: Now the mill is closed, the village will be suffering. They will be hungry.
MUCH: You just want everyone to love you.
ROBIN : No, I do not want to be branded a killer. It is different.
MUCH: You want to be loved! And I’ll tell you something. It’s not fair. I love you, but no-one gives me any food. Yet people who do not love you are fed.
ROBIN : Oh, Much!
MUCH: The world is wrong. We’re feeding people who do not love us and saving a man who wants us dead. I’ve changed my mind. I no longer love you. Now can I eat?
Robin laughs.
Robin and gang enter the village quietly. The villagers stare, doing nothing. The gang walk to the centre and Robin sets down his small barrel and puts a ham on top. He looks around to be sure he has an audience before speaking.
ROBIN: I am no killer. I bring food to show my goodwill. Pauses. I am your friend.
Owen steps out to listen.
ROBIN: My men are tired and hungry. This is the last of our food.
Roy shakes his head in disbelief. Owen steps towards Robin.
ROBIN: Owen...
OWEN : You are using us. You and the Sheriff.
ROBIN : Shakes head. I am not.
OWEN: Fighting your own personal battle, using us as pawns. What gifts will he bring later?
The Sheriff sits in his coach. Gisborne addresses the villagers, slowly pacing up and down. Gisborne’s men are scattered around the village.
GISBORNE: My fellow Englishmen... your Sheriff and I bring you a gift. That gift is the reminder that we are free and we should walk free.
Robin hides in the trees, watching.
GISBORNE: Today, your Sheriff and I show no fear.
The Sheriff ’s decoy is talking to the villagers.
GISBORNE: Today, we defy Robin Hood. Today, we walk among you to show that life goes on. We will not hide or cower in the face of outlaws. We will not change our lives to suit their campaign of terror.
Allan and Roy peer from the trees, each with a bow.
GISBORNE: We hold our head high. Laws exist to protect us. If we allow Robin Hood to flout these laws, if we support him when he undermines basic justice...
Much peers out from behind a pile of dirt, presumably also with a bow.
GISBORNE: ...the taking of flour or bread...
Little John and Will walk up behind a cottage and peer into the village, each with a bow.
GISBORNE: ...then where will he stop? We give him the right to ignore another law
The mystery bowman aims an arrow.
GISBORNE: ...and another, and finally to condone the taking of a human life...
Gisborne blocks the shot of the mystery bowman, and the bow is pulled back.
GISBORNE: ...For that, too, is a law made to protect us. Your Sheriff and I share your horror at the murder of innocents. And we stand here today …
The Sheriff ’s decoy moves to another villager.
GISBORNE: ...to show that we are united...
An arrow hits one of Gisborne’s men walking past the Sheriff ’s decoy. Robin sees this and scans the village. The Nightwatchman is also watching the village, and he sees a soldier jump out a back window. The Nightwatchman grabs his bow and starts to run after the guard. Robin notices the Nightwatchman running and chases after him. After a short chase, Robin catches the Nightwatchman trying to climb a small hill, pulling him down by his feet, and pins him to the ground. The Nightwatchman struggles to get free.
ROBIN : What do you think you’re doing?! You’re killing innocent people! What kind of man are you?!
Robin pulls the hood off the Nightwatchman’s head, and Marian pulls the mask and scarf off her face. Robin immediately backs off and stands up.
ROBIN : Marian!
Marian stands up. Much scrambles to their location. He looks up at Marian.
MUCH: You’re the Nightwatchman?
MARIAN : There’s no time for this. I know who’s trying to kill the Sheriff. It’s Joe.
ROBIN : Eyes grow wide in disbelief. Joe Lacey?
Robin, Marian and Much continue the hunt for the murderer. They find him near the top of a hill, lining up for another shot at the Sheriff.
ROBIN : Joe!
Joe looks down at Robin. Robin pulls an arrow from his quiver and sets it in his bow.
ROBIN : Put it down.
Joe looks back at his prey.
ROBIN : Put the bow down, Joe.
LACEY : You let me do this, Robin.
ROBIN : Why did you kill them, Joe?
Marian and Much have caught up, Marian with her bow loaded.
LACEY: My Ruth. She worked all her life in the castle. When she lay dying, where was the Sheriff ? Did he come and visit? Did he send food? No. He sent Joderic because we hadn’t paid our taxes. He put us out and she died like a dog on the street. And now, so will he. Turns towards the village.
ROBIN : You kill that Sheriff, Prince John will send another one. And the people of that village will be tortured because the Sheriff died there!
LACEY : It’s just me then. What, am I the only man in Nottingham who can say what he likes? Do what he likes?
ROBIN : Matthew! The miller’s boy!
LACEY : That was an accident. The Sheriff moved.
ROBIN : And the Sheriff moved the next day, when you killed three more, stableboys and washerwomen.
LACEY : Looks towards the village. The Sheriff ’s leaving. Look, let me do this terrible thing, Robin!
ROBIN : Shakes his head. No.
Joe looks back at the Sheriff.
ROBIN : Put it down.
Both Robin and Marian aim and draw their bows.
ROBIN : Joe, put it down.
Joe looks at Robin.
ROBIN : I will shoot you.
Joe quickly lines up a shot and shoots. Robin and Marian both shoot Joe in the arm. The Sheriff ’s decoy falls to the ground. Joe falls and rolls down the hill into the village. Robin watches a moment, then runs to a better vantage point. At the bottom of the hill, Joe grabs the stub of an arrow still in his arm.
LACEY: I did it, Ruth. I shot the Sheriff ! Lies back, satisfied.
The Sheriff walks over from his coach and stands over Joe, who is watching the decoy.
SHERIFF : No, you shot the deputy. My lookalike.
Robin, Marian and Much run towards Joe, but stay hidden from view. Gisborne approaches and stabs Lacey, killing him. Marian and Much turn their heads, but Robin can watch.
MARIAN : Poor Joe. I understand his grief, but why did he kill so many?
ROBIN : Assuredly, while frowning at the Sheriff. He didn’t.
MARIAN : Looking puzzled. Who did?
MUCH: Let’s go.
The three leave, but Robin looks knowingly back at the Sheriff, who walks back to his coach.
The Sheriff is riding in his coach, returning to the castle. Robin steps inside the moving vehicle and sits opposite the Sheriff.
SHERIFF : Sighs, annoyed. What now, Locksley? Hm? Girly voice. Oh, I will kill you, I get to kill you, I mean it. You cow, I mean it.
ROBIN : Lacey had no reason to kill stableboys and washerwomen. But you did. It suited you to have people think I was the killer.
SHERIFF : Raises his eyebrows. Yeah, interesting idea. I wish I’d thought of it.
ROBIN: You did. Admit it.
SHERIFF : How could I admit it? You swore that you would kill me if ever did such a thing.
ROBIN : Pulls out his knife and leans over the Sheriff. I meant it.
They glare at each other.
SHERIFF : Whispers. And that’s why... no-one will ever know.
The Sheriff pushes Robin out of the coach with his foot. Robin scrambles to his feet and runs into the forest where the gang are waiting as backup, bows drawn. Two soldiers pursue as far as the trees, then stop as the gang disappear.
Gisborne and the Sheriff quickly climb the steps.
GISBORNE: My lord, let me send my men after him.
SHERIFF : No, too late for that. But I do have another job for you.
De Fourtnoy is brushing down a horse. Gisborne slinks around the corner. De Fourtnoy glares at him.
de FOURTNOY : Oh, Gisborne, it’s you. Excuse me. Resumes brushing the horse.
GISBORNE: I just came to inform you that I’m to be the new masterat-arms.
de FOURTNOY : Stops brushing, looks at Gisborne. I don’t believe you. I’d need to hear that from the Sheriff himself. Resumes brushing.
GISBORNE : That will not be possible, I’m afraid. Steps beside de Fourtnoy.
de FOURTNOY: I have been a loyal servant. I have...
de FOURTNOY : Turns to Gisborne. I’ve even killed for him.
GISBORNE : Smiles. Yeah, the Sheriff thought you might say that...
De Fourtnoy turns back to the horse as Gisborne steps behind him.
GISBORNE : ...Which is why... Quickly pulls out a dagger. ... I am to be the new master-at-arms.
Gisborne stabs de Fourtnoy in the back. De Fourtnoy falls to the ground, dead.
Robin and Marian walk towards the village. The rest of the gang are waiting in the village.
ROBIN: Can I ask you a question?
Marian looks at Robin.
ROBIN: Why do they call you the Nightwatchman when you come out in the day?
MARIAN: I don’t normally. You know I can’t be seen. And I did not choose the name.
ROBIN : Scoffs. Bah. Anyway, you do not need to do it any more, day or night.
MARIAN : Now you’re here, you mean.
ROBIN : Chuckling. Yes!
MARIAN : Stops. My father had me taught to fight. He wanted me to have choices in the world. And I choose to help the poor. You are not about to stop me doing that.
ROBIN : Knowingly. But does your father know what you’re doing?
MARIAN : Evasively. He thinks I enjoy embroidery.
Robin sniggers. He looks at his men in the village, then turns back to Marian.
ROBIN : Give me a moment? I have a mill to open.
Marian nods. Robin walks into the village and Much tosses him a purse. By her shelter, Kate sees them, and stands. Sniffling, she slowly walks towards them. Robin walks to her and holds up the purse.
ROBIN : Take this. It’s for you and Owen. In memory of your son.
Kate grips the purse tightly, trying not to cry. Robin looks back at Little John.
ROBIN: John?
Little John hands his staff to Will and walks up to the mill. He laces his fingers, stretching them back to crack them, then rips the wood slats off the door of the mill and kicks in the door. He stands back.
ROBIN : Announcing to the villagers. I hereby declare this mill... open for business! Bows.
The villagers cheer and go to hug Robin as Much walks over to Marian, who is watching with her arms crossed.
MARIAN : Disapproving. He has to have the glory, doesn’t he?
MUCH: Glory? No. I think he just wants to be loved.
Marian looks at Much and gives that a thought, then smiles shyly at Robin looking back at her.