Ce script a été réalisé par Allthingsrobin sur le site Hood Winked.
This transcript was made by Allthingsrobin on Hood Winked.
Lightning flashes in the distance behind the castle. The Sheriff is thrashing and groaning in his sleep.
SHERIFF : The pact ! The pact !
The Sheriff dreams that it is after sunrise. Robin, sitting on a horse, is teasingly waving the pact. The Sheriff covers his sleeping face with his hand and reaches out with the other, trying to grab it.
SHERIFF : The pact ! The pact ! Get it ! The pact !
Robin rides off on his horse, waving the parchment.
The pact is lying on the ground in the forest, just out of reach of the Sheriff, amid leaves blowing from the wind of the passing storm. As he is about to grab it, the wind blows it away.
SHERIFF : The pact ! The pact ! The pact !
The Sheriff ‘s eyes open and he is standing in the forest at the edge of a ravine with his fist stretched out in front of him. He looks from side to side and down, then leans back quickly to avoid falling into the ravine. The wind whips at his black silk pyjamas. He looks up to see trees all around him.
SHERIFF, Roars : No !!!
The Sheriff ‘s cry echoes throughout the forest.
Gisborne enters the Sheriff ‘s room, closing the door behind him.
GISBORNE : G’ morning, my lord, sorry to disturb you.
Gisborne slaps a pile of parchment on the table and sees Sir Jasper sitting back in a chair with his feet up on the table.
GISBORNE : Who are you ? [Glances at the Sheriff‘s empty bed] Where’s the Sheriff ?
JASPER : I was about to ask the same question.
GISBORNE, Draws his sword : Get out !
JASPER : Uh-uh-uh ! Your hurt me, hurt Prince John. [Turns so Gisborne can see the insigne stitched on his jerkin, taps it and nods] I’m his special envoy.
GISBORNE : Well, I’ve never seen you before. [Holds his sword out at Jasper.]
JASPER : Well, that’s because I arrive at dawn... [stands]... every other Thursday, share a glass of wine with the Sheriff, he stamps his seal [opens a small wooden book with yellow wax squares in it] here, I take it to Prince John and the Prince knows that all is well in the provinces. But today... [slams the book shut]... all is not well, is it ? No sheriff, no stamp... And of course... [sets the book on the table]... you have no idea what’s happened to him.
Jasper picks up a dried plum from a plate on the table.
GISBORNE : No. [Sheathes sword.]
JASPER : Well, then I suggest you find out. You know the deal. Anything happens to the Sheriff, Prince John sends an army to raze Nottingham to the ground.
GISBORNE : Yes, but we don’t know if anything has happened to the Sheriff.
JASPER : Yeah, but he’s not here ! That’s all I need to know. [Nods] The troops will be here by sunset. I’ve already sent the signal. Nottingham... is about to be flattened.
Jasper puts the plum into his mouth as Gisborne stares at him in disbelief.
The Sheriff wanders barefoot through the forest. He steps on a twig which breaks and cuts his foot.
As he hops around holding his sore foot, a very large man approaches him.
MUGGER : I’ve been watching you. You’ve been sleepwalking.
SHERIFF : What ?
MUGGER, Grabs a handful of fabric at the Sheriff‘s shoulder : Nice silk.
SHERIFF, Throwing off the Mugger’s hand : I am the Sheriff of Nottingham ! I do not sleepwalk. And you will take me to Nottingham.
The Sheriff starts to walk away, but the Mugger grabs his pyjamas and pulls them off one shoulder. The Sheriff stops, faking a smile, chuckles and turns back around. The Mugger is looking at him with greedy eyes.
SHERIFF : Maybe we should start again.
MUGGER, Puts his hands on the Sheriff‘s cheeks : What a pretty mouth you’ve got.
The Mugger knees the Sheriff in the groin and the Sheriff falls onto his back grabbing his privates. The Mugger pulls out a small club. The Sheriff slithers backwards as the Mugger advances, reaching for the Sheriff ‘s jewelled tooth. Suddenly, the Sheriff yells a war-like cry, grabs the Mugger’s hand and bites it for several seconds as he continues to yell and the Mugger screams in pain. The Sheriff releases his bite, still holding onto the Mugger’s wrist, because his tooth is stuck in the back of the Mugger’s hand. With his eyes shining in wicked delight, the Sheriff pulls his jewelled tooth out and lets go of the hand. The Mugger remains sitting on the ground. He looks at the wound while holding his trembling limb and crying out in pain. The Sheriff puts his tooth back into place, then stands and kicks the Mugger in the face. The Mugger scrambles to his feet and disappears into the trees.
SHERIFF : And so... to Nottingham. [Looks around him, but has no clue which way to go] Ah.
Allan is talking to some soldiers.
GISBORNE, From inside the castle : Allan !!! [Approaching the main doors from inside] Where are you ?!
Allan runs up the steps towards him. The sentries’ halberds separate for Gisborne as he briskly walks out.
GISBORNE : Organise the guard.
Allan frowns in confusion.
GISBORNE : The Sheriff‘s missing. Search every inch of the castle. Find him.
ALLAN : Missing ?
GISBORNE : Find him !
The Sheriff inspects a forked stick which he has stuck in the ground to be sure it is fairly vertical. He places a thin, long stick into the forked top, resting its other end on the ground, in which he has drawn a circle in the dirt and placed rocks marking the vertical stick’s shadow. He reaches for a shorter forked stick just as a cloud blocks the sun. As he voices his displeasure, a woman and three boys, armed with thick sticks and the youngest with a slingshot, come up silently behind him.
SHERIFF : Ah ! I want the sun and I want it now !
Ceris holds a knife to his throat.
CERIS : Well, you can’t always get what you want, can you ?
The Sheriff pulls out his jewelled tooth before the woman can see it.
The lower doors open and Allan enters with a stable lass.
ALLAN : This stable lass saw him go in the night.
GISBORNE : Go ? Where ?
ALLAN to the girl : Go on.
STABLE LASS, Hesitates, scared : He went out on his horse. He was... mumbling.
GISBORNE : Mumbling ?
ALLAN : Just tell him what you told me.
STABLE LASS : He said,“Open the gate.”
GISBORNE, Steps forward : And what did you do ?
STABLE LASS : I opened the gate.
Gisborne spins round, realising the job of finding the Sheriff just got a lot more difficult.
STABLE LASS : He was in his nightclothes, sir.
GISBORNE, Turns and points at Allan : Comb the whole town. Then get out to all the villages. Just find him !
Gisborne enters. Jasper, with his back to the door, is in the Sheriff ‘s chair eating. He looks back around the chair at the door. Gisborne walks past him.
GISBORNE : Well, I see our kitchen is taking good care of you.
JASPER : Oh, good food’s wasted on me. [Drops a bare drumstick] But I can smell a rat.
Gisborne turns around to face him.
JASPER : What have you done to the Sheriff ?
GISBORNE : Sir Jasper, nothing has been“done”with the Sheriff. In fact, he was seen riding out of the castle last night alive and well. We have a witness.
JASPER : I don’t want a witness. I want the Sheriff. Now... [dabs the corners of his mouth with his napkin]... what’s for pudding ? [Smiles.]
Ceris, her knife pointed at the Sheriff, and her boys with their weapons are advancing on the Sheriff, who is retreating backwards out of the clearing.
SHERIFF : Your patch ? Don’t be so ridiculous. This is the King’s forest.
The Sheriff steps back as Ceris and the boys step steadily forward.
CERIS : We’re working this patch. Now clear off !
SHERIFF : Work ? You’ve never done a day’s work in your life !
CERIS : Well, find your own sucker ! ‘Cause Robin Hood’s ours.
SHERIFF, Looks up at her, suddenly interested : Robin Hood ? Robin Hood comes here ? [Points down.]
CERIS : Like you don’t know it’s a drop point. Now go on. [Charging at the Sheriff] Sling your hook !
The Sheriff backs up.
SHERIFF, Whispers : Very well. Drop point ? Off I shall sling. [Turns and leaves] Oh, this is good. This is very good.
The Sheriff limps off and the youngest boy uses his slingshot to hit the Sheriff in the buttocks with a rock.
Ceris turns to the boy, smiling, and ruffles his hair. The Sheriff scowls at the boy, then limps off.
Gisborne stands under the balcony at one end of the long table. Allan enters above.
ALLAN : Right. [Comes downstairs] He’s not been seen in Locksley, Nettlestone or Clun. But there’s reports of troop movements heading this way on the North Road.
GISBORNE, Slamming both hands on the table : No !
Gisborne turns around and sees Marian entering through the lower door. He quickly changes direction and walks the length of the table. Marian follows him.
MARIAN : I heard about the Sheriff. Any news ?
GISBORNE : Nothing.
MARIAN : What do you think ?
GISBORNE : Well, if the Sheriff hadn’t left of his own accord, I would think this was Hood’s work.
Allan goes to wait outside the lower doors.
MARIAN, Pacing the length of the table and back : No-no-no-no-no. Hood knows the arrangement between the Sheriff and Prince John. He wouldn’t let Nottingham be destroyed.
Gisborne scoffs.
MARIAN : Look, on this occasion, I don’t think Hood is the problem, but he might be the solution.
GISBORNE, Softly, brooding : How ?
MARIAN : Well, Robin knows Nottingham and the forest better than any man alive. If the Sheriff is out there—
GISBORNE, Interrupting : Hood’s not going to help us.
MARIAN : Well, have you asked him ?
GISBORNE, Sternly, pointing at Marian : We do not deal with outlaws !
Gisborne walks down the side of the table opposite Marian and out the lower door. Marian follows, protesting.
MARIAN : This could be our only hope. If I could get a message to him, if I could bring him here to the ca— [Realises what she’s saying. Gisborne stops walking and slowly turns to face her. Quietly, finishing her thought]... to the castle.
Gisborne slowly steps back to her.
GISBORNE : You... could bring Hood here... to the castle ?
MARIAN, Trying to sound uncertain : I think so. Look, he will not want Nottingham razed to the ground, same as you.
GISBORNE, Stares at Marian a moment : Very well. Do it.
Gisborne turns and leaves. Allan is leaning against the wall in the corridor, watching. Marian raises her eyebrows to him and nods earnestly. Allan understands and follows Gisborne out.
Robin, Much, Djaq and Will come down the hill towards the camp. Little John is already waiting near the bottom, sitting on a boulder with two sacks : one in his lap, one beside him on the ground.
ROBIN : A good morning’s work, lads.
Robin pats Little John’s head as he walks past him.
ROBIN : Well done.
Little John clears his throat loudly several times. Robin turns, smiling, knowing he wants their attention.
ROBIN : What have you got there, John ?
Much passes Little John and turns around by Robin. Djaq and Will file in behind them. Little John, smirking but keeping his tone serious, pulls off the sack covering the goose in his lap and strokes its neck.
LITTLE JOHN, Affectionately : It lays golden eggs.
ROBIN, Mouths : Ah. [Nods slowly in disbelief.]
LITTLE JOHN : And tomorrow there’s a consignment of magic beans coming in.
Little John looks lovingly at the goose, which squawks. Robin and Much exchange glances, as do Will and Djaq.
ROBIN : John, I think we need to have a little word about—
LITTLE JOHN, Interrupting : Oh, give me strength ! This is the booty here. [Uncovers the pile next to hi] This... [stands with the goose]... is for the kitchen. [Chuckles.]
Djaq and Will smile, but Much is unamused. Robin smiles back at his gang. Little John hands the goose to Much.
MUCH : Oh ? Could have done with some magic beans.
Will pulls the lever to open the camp, revealing Allan waiting inside.
ALLAN : Well, I’m glad to see someone’s laughing.
Djaq, Will and Robin draw their bows. Allan raises his hands.
ALLAN : I’m on my own ! Honest !
MUCH : What do you want ?
ALLAN : Marian said to show you this and you’ll know I’m telling the truth.
Allan holds up Marian’s engagement ring and Robin lowers his bow.
ALLAN : All right ?
Allan steps forward and holds out the ring to Robin, who walks up to Allan to take it. Little John is frowning. Djaq and Will keep their bows drawn.
ALLAN : She needs your help.
Robin takes the ring. Djaq and Will lower their bows.
ALLAN : And just for today, you’ve got safe passage into the castle.
Robin examines the ring.
LITTLE JOHN : You don’t expect us to believe that ?
ROBIN : Why ?
ALLAN : They’ve lost the Sheriff. And if we don’t find him today, an army is coming to destroy Nottingham.
ROBIN, Turns back to the gang : We’re leaving, now.
LITTLE JOHN, Confused : We drop everything on the say-so of a traitor to go and help our enemy ?
ROBIN : John ! I gave Marian this ring. She wouldn’t lie to me.
Much stares at Robin, wondering why he gave her a ring. Jerks his head aside.
ROBIN : Come on.
Robin passes between Little John and Much. Allan cautiously follows him and Djaq. Will passes between them as well, glancing back at the goose in Much’s arms.
LITTLE JOHN to Much : Put it down. [Follows Robin.]
Much looks back at the camp, then out at the gang, then down at the goose. He puts the goose down and it squawks.
MUCH : Wait there.
Much follows the gang.
Allan, several paces ahead, leads the gang down the street towards the castle gate. Robin has his hood up.
ALLAN : Open the gates !
The portcullis is raised. Allan marches through.
WILL : This is weird. I don’t like it.
Allan turns around to wait for the stragglers. Jasper is watching from the battlements overhead.
MUCH : Can’t we just sneak in anyway ?
Robin glares at him.
LITTLE JOHN : After this, we go back, we help the poor ?
ROBIN, Quietly, inattentively : Yes, John.
Little John grabs Robin’s shoulder. Robin stops and turns to face him.
LITTLE JOHN : There are people waiting. We have [Robin impatiently turns his head] four drop-offs today. They’re relying on us.
Robin barely nods. Allan whistles and waves at them to come. Robin nods at him.
ROBIN : All right. [Turns to Much] Take these, Much. [Gives him his bow, then slides off his quiver and hands him that.]
Allan turns and Robin follows him in alone. The rest of the gang exchange glances and wait nervously as Jasper watches from above.
Gisborne is sitting in the Sheriff ‘s chair, his head on his hands, at one end of the long table. He raises his head as he hears brisk, confident footsteps overhead. Robin enters through the upper door with a chuckle at the sight of Gisborne’s distressed face. Marian, waiting by the table, smiles slightly at Robin and goes to stand at Gisborne’s right.
ROBIN, Turning the corner of the stairs : Well... you’re a bigger man than I thought, Gisborne... [sits in the chair opposite Gisborne]… asking your enemy for [in a strained voice] help in a time of crisis. [Slumps smugly in his chair.]
Gisborne indignantly glares at Robin.
MARIAN : It’s your crisis as well, Hood. You know what Prince John will do... [Robin rubs his upper lip] ... if anything happens to the Sheriff.
ROBIN, Holds up his hand and looks up : You’ve searched the castle ?
GISBORNE, Bitterly through his teeth : Of course we’ve searched the castle.
MARIAN : He was seen leaving last night, on horseback... in his nightclothes.
Robin raises his head, thinking, a finger along his lips.
MARIAN : Shock troops will be here by sundown.
GISBORNE : Nottingham and everything in it will be destroyed.
MARIAN : If anyone can find him, it’s you. You have people everywhere.
Robin thinks a moment, sniffs, leans forward in his chair and stares at Gisborne.
ROBIN : Go on, then. Ask.
ROBIN : Ask me for my help.
Gisborne’s eyes narrow. Marian rolls her eyes at Robin’s arrogance at a time like this.
MARIAN, Sighs, ready to give in : Robin...
ROBIN, Interrupting : Him.
Robin remains staring at Gisborne, who stares Robin down a moment. Robin doesn’t relent.
GISBORNE : We’re wasting our time.
Gisborne starts to stand but Marian puts a hand on his arm. Robin hasn’t moved.
GISBORNE, Not looking at Robin : Will you help us find the Sheriff ?
ROBIN, Smiles slightly and nods : Of course I will. [Stands and goes to the stairs, Without looking back] Why else do you think I came ?
Robin takes the stairs two at a time. As he’s ascending the upper half, he glances at Marian and smiles. Gisborne sits back in the chair, holding back his temper, as Marian watches Robin go.
The Sheriff has stopped in a clearing and is wrapping his cut foot with the sash to his pyjamas.
SHERIFF, Muttering : Shoes. My kingdom for some shoes. [The Sheriff sees a Vagabond walking towards him] Ha-ha-ha-ha. Oh, a change of clothes. [Stands] My man ! [Chuckles and walks forward to meet the Vagabond] My— [steps on his sore foot] ah ! My dear fellow.
The Vagabond walks right past him, ignoring him. The Sheriff turns to follow.
SHERIFF : You, er, you do realise that those clothes are worth at least £30 ?
VAGABOND, Scoffs : Yeah, sure. And I’m the Sheriff of Nottingham.
The Sheriff stops and chuckles sarcastically, then follows him again.
Robin leaves the castle through the gate and meets the gang waiting just outside it.
MUCH : So ?
Robin continues into the marketplace and the gang walk with him.
ROBIN : We have to find him. You and I will track him.
Little John stops to hand out an apple to an old man from three in his hand.
LITTLE JOHN : Take one. Take one.
ROBIN : Will, I want you to wait in the town. Search every street, ask around. Djaq, John...
Robin turns his head to notice Little John handing out the other two apples to a pair of old ladies. Another beggar kneels at his feet. Robin stops.
ROBIN : John !
LITTLE JOHN : Every day, more beggars.
ROBIN : John, you need to focus !
LITTLE JOHN, Steps to Robin : Are we making any difference to them ?
Robin rolls his head impatiently and takes a purse from his belt, walks over to the beggars and empties it onto the ground. Dozens of coins spill out and he drops the purse on top.
ROBIN : There. [Turns to leave.]
LITTLE JOHN, Angrily : Robin, you can’t just throw money at them !
ROBIN, Faces Little John : Today we’re trying to save everybody’s life ! Now, the Sheriff may be in the forest. I want you and Djaq to go there. And check all the regular drop points. Somebody might have seen something.
Djaq and Much lead them through the town, but Robin drops back with Will and grabs his arm, stopping him.
ROBIN : Will... I don’t know how today’s going to end. But whatever happens, you need to look after Marian.
WILL, Nods : Of course, yeah. [Glances after Djaq.]
ROBIN : Will, I’m relying on you. She has to live... even if no-one else does.
Robin picks up Will’s hand, puts Marian’s ring into it, closes Will’s fingers over it, pats his back and leaves. Will looks at the ring, hides it in his fist again, and walks into town.
The Sheriff is standing behind a tree in the Vagabond’s clothes, watching Ceris, who is sitting on a rock in a clearing, pretending to cry with her head down and looking very pitiful while waiting for her handout. The Sheriff walks into the clearing.
SHERIFF : You do know...
Ceris looks up, as do her boys, huddled under a nearby tree between her and the Sheriff. She stands up, brandishing her knife.
ROBIN : ... Hood robs from the rich—
CERIS, Interrupting : We told you to clear off !
SHERIFF, Continuing walking, unfazed : ...to give to the poor, hm ?
CERIS : What do you think we’re doing here ?
Ceris walks to stand in front her boys, holding the knife in front of her. The boys hold their sticks and slingshot ready.
SHERIFF : Living off scraps, my dear, hm ? [Chuckles] Think about it. He robs from the rich, hm ? He must have a huge stash somewhere, huh ? [Stops in front of her] And what does he give you ? A handful of scraps ? [Looks at the boys at his feet and tuts.]
CERIS : Don’t talk rubbish.
SHERIFF : If you upped your game, then you could get inside Hood’s secret camp and— [Ceris puts her knife in his face] Whoa-whoa-whoooa, whoooa... who knows what you might find there. [A bird flutters nearby and Ceris glances away, Glancing at the boys] Now, with a little tuition from me—
CERIS, Interrupting : Hey, hey... we rob fools for a living.
SHERIFF, Smiles evilly : Oh, so do I. So do I. How does, erm, Robin Hood’s [whispers at the boys] secret treasure interest you ?
The oldest boy looks up at his mother with wide eyes.
CERIS, Sceptically : Yeah ? And your cut’s the lion’s share ?
SHERIFF : No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. I don’t want any of it. You can have it all, have it all. I’m only interested in a teeny weeny bit of paper... that belongs to me.
CERIS, Holds the knife in his face again : Who are you ?
SHERIFF : I am the “man with the plan.” [Chuckles] So... [takes a step forward]... shall we begin the lesson ?
The Sheriff smiles at her, then walks past her. Ceris looks at her boys and raises her eyebrows, then turns around to look at the Sheriff, tapping the knife against her chin and thinking.
Allan leads a squad of soldiers through the market towards the castle.
ALLAN : Search the houses, one each.
The soldiers separate into the town. Allan hurries towards the gate. Gisborne sees him from the courtyard and rushes to meet him. As he approaches the gate, Allan glances up at Jasper, who is still pacing the battlements above, but then stops to listen in.
ALLAN : They are looking everywhere. They’re even dredging the ponds. He’s just nowhere.
GISBORNE, Glances up at Jasper : Keep searching.
ALLAN : Right.
Gisborne turns and goes back inside.
Robin and Much are tracking the Sheriff ‘s horse.
MUCH : Ah, it’s good, this. You and me back on a mission. I mean, no offence against the others, but... well, it’s like the good old days, back in the Holy Land.
Robin kneels down.
ROBIN : Look... these shoes...
Much kneels down to look, too.
ROBIN : They were definitely made by the Sheriff ‘s smithy, weren’t they ?
MUCH, Nods : Yeah, that’s him.
Robin looks around, stands, and follows the horse tracks.
ROBIN : Come on.
Much remains, thinking.
MUCH : Master, you know that ring ? The one Marian gave you ?
Robin stops, wincing, annoyed at the interruption.
MUCH : Is it a new code ? [Stands and brushes off his knee.]
ROBIN, Not turning around : No. I gave it to her when we were in the tree.
MUCH, Walking over to Robin, laughing : Ha-ha ! What, you giving jewellery ? That must have surprised her. [Facetiously] She probably thought you were going to propose.
ROBIN, Nods slightly : Yeah, I did. [Much is stunned] And she said yes.
Much stares at Robin, who glances down smiling, waiting.
ROBIN : Well, this is when you’re supposed to say congratula—
MUCH, Interrupting quietly, giving Robin a hug : Congratulations.
Much smiles, giving Robin a long embrace.
MUCH : She said yes ? [Points at Robin, wanting the truth.]
ROBIN : She did.
MUCH : That’s incredible.
ROBIN, Pauses with a solemn look : Only if we live to enjoy it. [Pats Much’s shoulder] Come on.
Much remains standing, pondering what this news means for him.
ROBIN : He went this way. Come on.
Robin runs off. Much sighs, turns to watch him go, then hurries to follow.
SHERIFF : It’s not enough, just to be... [spits on his hands and rubs them]... poor... [picks up some dirt and pats it on his face]… and dirty.
CERIS, Has an idea and points to him : I could do old.
Ceris clicks her fingers to a boy, who hands her a wig of grey hair. She puts it on.
CERIS : Works every time with the nuns.
SHERIFF : Yes, yes, not bad, but you see— [to the youngest] Come here —you really need something that makes you stand out...
The Sheriff takes the scarf off over the boy’s head as Ceris removes her wig.
SHERIFF : ... really stand out from the poor crowd.
The Sheriff turns away and Ceris points to him again with an idea.
CERIS : We could be sick as well.
SHERIFF, Points back : Better, [to the boy] better. [Looks for something on the ground.]
Ceris goes to their shelter, picks up a small bunch of greens and turns to the boys who fake looking sick, huddled together with their hands out, begging.
CERIS : We can do foaming at the mouth. Oh, and deathly pallor.
Turns to the Sheriff with a pitiful look and her arm outstretched.
SHERIFF : Oh, oh, yes ! Yes, the poor distraught mother... [Ceris scrunches up her face] ... desperately trying to protect her [puts his hand over his heart and hunches over] dying brood. Oh ! Excellent. Excellent. [Waves the back of his hand to Ceris] Eat the lot.
Ceris tears off bits for the boys.
SHERIFF, Turns his back again : But you see, not just old, hm ? [Puts the knotted scarf over his eyes] And weak... [Picks up a stick from the ground and quickly turns around] Mummy look. Aah ! [Leans on a stick] Blind ! He’s blind and all ! Ah!
Ceris laughs, stands and claps her approval with the boys.
SHERIFF : Thank you very much. You’re too kind, hm ? [Pulls the scarf off his eyes] But what we need is a clincher, hm ? Now what would make Robin Hood’s bleeding heart really gush ?
CERIS, Thinks for a second : For a big enough haul, I could always chop off one of the kids’ arms off.
The boys look fearfully up at her as the Sheriff ponders it.
SHERIFF : Ah. [Chuckles] I like your thinking, very good. But, erm, no. I’ve a better idea. [Shoots an evil grin at Ceris.]
Little John and Djaq squat by a large basket and several sacks.
LITTLE JOHN : It’s not enough.
DJAQ : That’s all there is.
LITTLE JOHN : There’s not enough to feel all the villagers.
Little John stands, as does Djaq.
DJAQ : Then we’ll give it to the families with young children first.
LITTLE JOHN : No. We need more food. [Steps away.]
DJAQ : No, we need to find the Sheriff.
LITTLE JOHN, Turns to face Djaq : I don’t care about the Sheriff. [Turns back.]
DJAQ : All right. Then you don’t care about Nottingham.
LITTLE JOHN, Turns to face Djaq again : That’s not what I meant.
DJAQ : John, if the Sheriff isn’t found, Nottingham will be destroyed.
LITTLE JOHN, Steps to Djaq : Everyone... everyone else is out looking for the Sheriff.
DJAQ : Yes, and that’s what we should be doing, too.
LITTLE JOHN, Picking up a sack : I can’t let people starve.
DJAQ : And I won’t go against Robin’s orders.
DJAQ : Because he’s right. And he’s our leader.
Little John scoffs, picks up another sack and tosses it at Djaq.
LITTLE JOHN : Leaders can be wrong.
Little John walks off into the forest. Djaq sighs, slings the sack over her shoulder and follows.
Gisborne catches up Jasper.
GISBORNE : Sir Jasper, I think that we can come to some sort of understanding. You see, I know that you’re only acting in the Sheriff ‘s best interests [Jasper leans on the side of the window, looking out] and so are we.
JASPER : Well, you’re not doing a very good job of it.
GISBORNE : The truth is that we just don’t know where he is and we need more time.
JASPER : Look, rules are rules. If I make an exception for you, the next thing every other ambitious young captain’s murdering his sheriff thinking he can get away with it.
GISBORNE, Scoffs : I have not murdered the Sheriff, I can assure you.
JASPER : Well...
GISBORNE, Sighs : I could make you a very rich man.
JASPER, Unimpressed : Look, if Nottingham or Derby or any other town under Prince John’s protection gets razed to the ground, it has to be rebuilt and it so happens that the royal charter for reconstruction has been licensed to to my cousin.
Jasper turns his head to Gisborne, who looks away from him.
JASPER : Did you think I was going to be a glorified messenger all my life ?
GISBORNE : You really are going to do this, aren’t you ?
JASPER : Oh, yes. Come sunset, no Sheriff, no Nottingham. [Looks out] It always amazes me how much dust an army kicks up. [Watches for a moment] But then, it’s a very big army.
Jasper turns, looking pointedly at Gisborne and walks back inside. Gisborne looks beyond the town walls and sees a large dust cloud rising in the distance.
Prince John’s troops ride along the road towards Nottingham.
Little John and Djaq crest a hill, approaching Ceris’s camp.
LITTLE JOHN : Three more drops.
DJAQ : Yes. [Sighs] One here and two more before the river. [Impatiently] Someone must have seen the Sheriff by now.
They come round a bend in the path and hear crying. They stop and look down the hill. The two older boys are sitting at the head of a small rock-covered grave with their heads bowed. Ceris is bending over the grave and crying. The Sheriff sits behind her with his blindfold and the grey wig on, cradling the youngest boy in his lap and crying.
CERIS : Oh, my baby.
CERIS : Oh, my baby. Oh, my baby.
The entire “family” is crying.
LITTLE JOHN : No-one... no-one should be reduced to this.
DJAQ : By the looks of them, that is not the last grave they’ll dig.
LITTLE JOHN, Looks at Djaq : Not if I can help it.
Little John and Djaq hurry down the hill. The Sheriff licks his fingertips and dampens the skin under his eyes to look like tears.
CERIS : Oh, my baby ! [Pulls her eyes open to make them tear.]
Little John drops his sack and staff with a clatter and the Sheriff reacts, lifting his stick towards Little John.
LITTLE JOHN : Wait ! Do not be alarmed. No-one will hurt you.
Little John puts one hand on the Sheriff‘s back and the other on his arm, lowering the stick, then passes him to lean over Ceris.
LITTLE JOHN : We’re with Robin Hood.
CERIS, Grabs Little John’s hand : Oh ! Oh, God bless ya. God bless ya.
Djaq kneels by the two boys.
SHERIFF, Whimpering : Why didn’t He take me instead of me only granddaugh’er. [Sobs.]
The boys cry.
LITTLE JOHN : We must stay here and help them.
DJAQ : John, we have a mission.
LITTLE JOHN : They are our mission.
Djaq glances at the boys and Ceris cries over the grave again.
DJAQ : Robin has asked us—
LITTLE JOHN, Interrupting : Robin is not here. We are. [Quietly] These people need our help. [Kneels by Ceris.]
Gisborne enters through the lower doors. Marian is waiting.
GISBORNE : Jasper will not be swayed.
MARIAN : There’s still time.
GISBORNE, Glances back at the door : No. There’s still time for you to get away. [Extends his arm to her.]
MARIAN : No. You did not run when I was being held hostage. [Shakes her head] I’m not leaving you in trouble.
GISBORNE, Stares a moment, his mouth twitching a smile, and steps to her : Well, then... we must prepare to defend ourselves.
Marian nods.
Will goes to the gate and sees the plume of dust rising from the road in the distance. Peasants pass him on their way into town, suspecting trouble. Allan comes up behind him directing soldiers.
ALLAN : Search all of the villages. Just find him. Go ! Ask around !
Will glances back at the familiar voice, then spitefully turns away as the soldiers runs past him. He tugs down his sleeve where a soldier bumped it. Allan stands next to Will.
ALLAN : I don’t think we’re going to get out of this, Will.
They both stare at the dust cloud. Allan turns to Will.
ALLAN : But if we do, do you... do you reckon I could come back to the lads?
WILL, Scoffs : Too late, Allan. Miles too late.
ALLAN : Come on, I’ve made a few mistakes, but the point—
WILL, Interrupting : Mistakes ? You deliberately betrayed us !
ALLAN : All right, strictly speaking, that’s true—
WILL : Yeah !
ALLAN : Yeah, but it’s not that simple, Will, all right ? I never told Gisborne where the camp is. I saved your life, didn’t I ?
Will stares at him, remembering him and the Fool.
ALLAN : Well ? I know a lot about how this place works now. That’s gonna help Robin, right ?
Will stares.
ALLAN : Come on, what do you reckon ? The old team back together ?
WILL, Shakes his head : You’re with Gisborne now. There’s no coming back from there.
Will walks into town, leaving Allan staring at the approaching army.
Robin and Much approach the Sheriff‘s makeshift sundial.
MUCH : I’m getting used to it, life as an heroic outlaw. The King’ll come back, [Robin sees the sundial and hurries towards it] you and Marian’ll be married, living in some grand old mansion. I’ll just—
ROBIN, Kneels by the sundial, interrupting Much : Well, well, well. [Glances around and up as a hawk screeches overhead, then down again] Look at these marks. They carry on this way. Come on.
MUCH, Remaining still : I mean, it’s all going to end.
Robin stops impatiently and takes a step towards Much.
ROBIN : Tell it to the sun, Much. Look. [Pointing to the goldening sun with his bow] It’s racing across the sky. And if we don’t find the Sheriff before sundown, everything will end. Me, you, Marian, everything ! There’ll be nothing left but scorched earth.
Robin walks away. Much shrugs, knowing Robin is right, but he still has a need to talk about the changes ahead. He follows Robin.
The Sheriff, Ceris and the boys all huddle together, pretending to shiver under their meagre shelter.
CERIS : Oh, so cold. So cold. [Peers out of the corner of her eye at Djaq.]
DJAQ : I’ve got some medicines back at camp. [Starts to leave.]
Djaq turns to face him. Little John stands.
LITTLE JOHN : We take them with us.
DJAQ, Quietly : The camp is secret.
The Sheriff in his blindfold turns an interested head as Little John steps to Djaq.
LITTLE JOHN : Look at them. [Djaq looks] Do you really think it’s a good idea to leave them out
Here ? Truthfully ?
Djaq stares at Little John, then glances back to Ceris.
LITTLE JOHN : The old man won’t know. The rest, we blindfold.
Little John goes over to Ceris, leaving Djaq staring and agreeing against her better judgement.
Allan catches up Jasper in the corridor.
ALLAN : Can I just have a word ?
JASPER, Without turning around : I assume you’re talking to me.
ALLAN : Sorry, Sir Jasper, yeah, if you’ve got a moment ?
JASPER : Go on.
ALLAN : Well, between you and me, Guy’s not very good at talking himself up. Now I just want you to know we’re doing everything we can here, even if he’s not showing it.
JASPER : Good.
ALLAN : There’s not a lot of men who would do what Guy’s doing right now. You should keep him in mind for other things, really. He could be very useful in another county.
JASPER : What, him and you ?
ALLAN, As if he hadn’t considered it : Well, yeah, I suppose so.
JASPER, Rounding the corner, then stopping : It’s interesting, isn’t it, when people realise they’re going to die, suddenly all this new-found loyalty creeps out of the woodwork.
ALLAN : Well, I want to live, yeah.
Gisborne approaches.
JASPER : Well, then you’d better find the Sheriff, hadn’t you ?
GISBORNE : I thought I gave you a job to do.
ALLAN : You did. I’m on it. [Leaves.]
JASPER, Faces Gisborne : Your boy really wants to save you.
GISBORNE : Well, this isn’t about me, is it ? This is about the people of Nottingham.
JASPER : Correct. And much as I dislike you, you need not fear the onslaught. As a Black Knight, you and your family may pass freely through the town.
GISBORNE : I have no family.
JASPER : Good. Keeps things simple. [Walks past Gisborne.]
GISBORNE : But I do have friends. [Follows Jasper.]
JASPER : Family, not friends.
GISBORNE : One person in particular.
JASPER : Oh, a particular Lady Marian ?
GISBORNE : Yes. We were once engaged and I confess I have reason to hope that in time—
JASPER, Interrupting : Wait, wait, wait. “Reason to hope” ? Doesn’t really wash.
GISBORNE : In time, she will be family.
JASPER : “In time” ?
GISBORNE : Yes. In time she would be my wife.
JASPER : Not if she’s dead.
GISBORN, Quietly, menacingly : Marian comes with me.
JASPER : Yes. If you’ve married her by then. [Continues down the corridor.]
GISBORNE : Well, I can’t marry her between now and sunset, can I ?!
JASPER : Well, why not ? She’s hardly going to say no, is she ?
Gisborne sighs and hears a church bell ringing. He looks around, getting an idea, and runs off.
The army circles in front of the town on their horses, flattening the grass all around.
Jasper is walking briskly towards the gate. Marian races to catch him up.
MARIAN : Sir Jasper ! Sir Jasper !
JASPER, Raises his hand without turning around : The time for talking is over. I have to brief my troops.
MARIAN : Well, at least let us evacuate the town.
MARIAN : The women and children. Spare them, please.
JASPER, Stopping in the middle of the bridge, watching the troops : An example has to be set. As Prince John always says, the best examples are written in [looks her in the eye] blood.
Jasper walks away as Gisborne and Allan run to the gate.
GISBORNE : How many ?
ALLAN : Well, they’re surrounding the whole town. It’s going to take a lot to do that.
Gisborne stops outside the gate as he sees horsemen moving. Marian, panicked, runs back inside. Allan stares at the troops forming one long line round the town. Gisborne is watching, too.
GISBORNE : Get all of our guards into siege positions.
ALLAN, Looks at Gisborne : What guards ? They’re all out looking for the Sheriff.
GISBORNE : Well then get every able-bodied man into the armoury.
ALLAN : You’re going to trust these lot with weapons ?
SERGEANT : (Hold the line !)
The troops stop in an unbroken line.
GISBORNE : We’re fighting for our lives now, all of us.
They stare at the soldiers. The sergeant barks orders in the distance.
ALLAN : Hang on, are we—
GISBORNE, Roars, interrupting : Just do it ! [Turns to close the gate.]
ALLAN : All right ! [Closes the other gate.]
Djaq and Little John open the camp. Ceris and the boys are blindfolded. Djaq leads Ceris and the oldest boy inside. Little John follows, carrying the middle child while the youngest one hangs off his back.
LITTLE JOHN : Nearly there. Try to get some rest. We’ll bring food and medicine.
The Sheriff stops outside, taking the opportunity to pull down his blindfold for a peek.
SHERIFF, Whispers : Ah, the promised land. [Chuckles quietly, covers his eyes and resumes his helplessness] Oh ! Oh ! [Swings his stick to find his way] Oop !
Ceris removes her blindfold and then the older boy’s, stepping into the camp and looking around. Djaq takes the boys from Little John.
SHERIFF : Help me.
LITTLE JOHN : I’m coming.
SHERIFF : Help me. [Swings his stick.]
LITTLE JOHN : This way. I’m here. [Comes up behind the Sheriff.]
SHERIFF : Help me.
LITTLE JOHN : OK. Straight on. Straight on.
SHERIFF : A little bit of cheese.
LITTLE JOHN : Yep. We’ll give you a little wash first.
SHERIFF : Oh, so tired.
All the people are assembling in the courtyard. The men line up to get weapons. A man at a grindstone is sharpening swords. Near the stable entrance, Marian is handing out food to the women passing under the archway. Allan hands a sword to a boy no older than sixteen. The boy pulls the sword out a bit, looking at it. Allan nods and pats him on the back as he passes. Will enters through the gate and sees Allan.
WILL : Where’s Marian ?
Allan walks over to Will, handing a sword to a man.
ALLAN : Will... [Hands a sword to Will.]
WILL, Looks at the sword : Well, it looks like we’re brothers-inarms again after all.
ALLAN, Chuckles : Not exactly what I had in mind.
Allan offers Will his hand. Will sees it and shakes it. Allan shows his gratitude with a look, then continues on his business. Will looks around, then sees Marian helping the women coming in.
MARIAN : Will. Any word from Robin ? Continues her duty as they talk.]
WILL, Shakes his head : But I know he will die before he stops looking.
MARIAN : Today, that’s not good enough, Will.
WILL : Marian, the one person who can’t die is you.
MARIAN : There’s no way out.
Marian turns to get more food from the table and is stunned by the ring Will is holding up.
WILL, Firmly : I promised Robin you’d be safe.
Marian takes the ring and looks at Will, thinking about Robin losing her. She glances down at the ring and Will leaves. Marian tucks the ring down her bodice, glances after Will, and resumes her handouts.
Robin and Much follow the trail, running through the forest.
ROBIN : Where is he going ?
MUCH : You know, I was thinking. I might stay here, when, er, you and Marian are, you know.
Robin stops and looks at the ground.
ROBIN : Much, look. I think we’re gaining on him. These are fresh footprints.
Robin runs on. Much stares at the ground, nodding.
MUCH : Or I could be a, a lone outlaw.
Robin looks over a ridge and sees a man in black pyjamas below. He pulls out an arrow and nocks it into his bow.
MUCH : The Sherwood Avenger.
ROBIN : Much, come here.
Robin aims the arrow at the man as Much runs over.
MUCH : Yes ! Only one man in Nottingham has nightclothes like that. [Robin nods] Oi !
The Vagabond turns around. Robin is flabbergasted. Much frowns in confusion. The Vagabond stares up at them.
ROBIN : I don’t believe it. [to the Vagabond] Where did you get those clothes ?!
VAGABOND : I traded them fair and square for some good rags.
MUCH : You traded rags for silk pyjamas ? I don’t think so.
VAGABOND : It’s true. A little man, ugly, said my rags would help him find important papers in the forest.
MUCH, Frowns, Whispers : Papers ?
ROBIN, Thinks, then realises, Puts his hand on Much’s shoulder : That’s the pact !
MUCH : The pact ?
ROBIN : The camp ! Come on !
Robin runs off towards the camp. Much glances at the Vagabond a brief moment, then follows.
The women, children and men too old to fight are assembling in the Great Hall. Will enters through the lower doors. Gisborne enters through the upper ones, looks down and sees Marian with a little girl, whom she picks up and sets on the table. Gisborne pushes his way past down the stairs.
GISBORNE : Marian.
MARIAN, Turns to Gisborne :Has he changed his mind ?
GISBORNE : No. But I’ve managed to negotiate a concession.
Gisborne takes Marian’s arm and leads her to a more isolated spot as anxiously tries to keep an eye on the girl.
GISBORNE : Nottingham cannot be spared, but he will spare me and my family.
Gisborne stops.
MARIAN : You’re abandoning us ?
GISBORNE : I’ve no intention of abandoning you, Marian.
Gisborne leads her to the window alcove as an old lady looks after the girl.
GISBORNE : You could become my family... and we could leave together if... [Marian sighs, panicked] ... you marry me.
Marian chuckles nervously, looks at the floor, then at all the people in the room.
GISBORNE : Is it such a difficult choice between death and being my wife ?
MARIAN : It’s not that simple. How can I abandon them ?
Gisborne bends down on one knee and takes Marian’s hand.
GISBORNE, Earnestly : Marry me... and live.
Marian says nothing. Will sees Gisborne on his knee and immediately knows what he’s doing. Marian glances at the townsfolk.
GISBORNE : It has to be before sunset. That’s when I leave.
Marian says nothing. Gisborne stands and leaves. She watches him go.
Robin and Much run towards the camp, Robin several paces ahead. Much runs a bit more, then trips on a root and falls.
MUCH : Argh !
Much groans as he struggles to get up. Robin runs back and bends over to him.
ROBIN : Come on.
MUCH : I can’t ! [Waves off Robin] I’m slowing you down.
Robin goes down to one knee. Much pulls his lame leg out from under himself and sits, grabbing his knee.
MUCH, Earnestly, waving off Robin : Go, don’t worry about me !
ROBIN, Shifting his bow to his left hand : Hey, Much, I like worrying about you. Now come on. [Grabs Much’s wrist] Come on !
Robin pulls Much to his feet and they continue on.
Djaq feels the foreheads of the two older boys lying together in a hammock, then checks Ceris and the youngest in a bunk. She walks over to Little John.
DJAQ : I won’t be long. [Leaves to look for some herbs.]
The Sheriff is sitting in front of Ceris’s bed. He hears her leave and risks a peek, pulling the blindfold up to rest on his forehead. He sees Little John with an armful of sticks leaving the camp.
SHERIFF, Quietly to Ceris : We have numbers, so don’t bunch up, and make sure you use the little brats, hm ? Heroes aren’t allowed to kill kids.
Ceris taps her youngest to get up as the Sheriff stands.
The army of Prince John stand, waiting on their horses.
WILL : There’s no other way.
MARIAN : There has to be.
WILL : Marian, there is a ring of steel around Nottingham. Even if we got beyond the walls, we’d be cut down.
MARIAN : Then we will have to fight as best we can.
WILL : Marian, you can’t save these— [Sees an old man listening,Whispers] You can’t save these people.
Marian glares at him from the corner of her eye and steps away. Will follows her.
WILL : Look, much as I hate Gisborne, you have to marry him.
WILL, Grabs Marian’s shoulders : Wherever you go, wherever you go, Robin will move heaven and earth. He will find you.
Marian shrugs off his hands.
WILL : Just stay alive.
Marian walks away. Will watches her anxiously.
Much is trying to keep up with Robin.
MUCH : Robin ! This doesn’t make any sense ! There’s no way the Sheriff will find our camp !
ROBIN : He knows, Much. Somehow he knows.
MUCH, Stops : Well, what if you’re wrong ?!
Robin stops and looks back at him.
MUCH, Raising his hand at the lowering sun : I mean, look the sun ! We’re nearly out of time ! We should go to Nottingham and rescue Marian and Will and... and whoever else we can !
ROBIN : No, Much ! The Sheriff is heading for the camp. And finding him is the only way we can save anyone.
Robin runs on and Much follows. Robin slides down a steep hill with his feet.
Little John is kneeling on the ground, facing the rock wall, about to work with his pile of long sticks when the Sheriff comes up behind him with a sword and puts it at his throat.
SHERIFF : Actually... we won’t be staying for lunch.
Little John slowly stands up to face him, then suddenly punches the sword aside, kicks the Sheriff back, grabs a long stick and is about to butt the Sheriff with it when he stops and peers closely at his face.
LITTLE JOHN : I know you.
Little John jumps as Ceris comes up, holding a stick.
LITTLE JOHN, Scoffs : I helped you.
CERIS : Yeah, thanks for that. Where’s the loot ?
The Sheriff swings his sword, but Little John blocks with his stick and butts him in the chest. Ceris hits Little John in the back with her stick. The Sheriff attacks, Little John blocks, then grabs the Sheriff ‘s sword arm. Ceris swings her stick and Little John blocks with the stick in his other hand, turning it aside and spinning her round. Little John punches the Sheriff ‘s face with his stick, then gets hit in the shoulder by Ceris. He backs up to the rock wall and blocks the Sheriff as Ceris charges, holding her stick against Little John’s throat. The Sheriff helps her pin him against the rock. Little John roars and pushes them both back by her stick. He tries to step forward, but can’t. He looks down to see the two older boys looping rope round his ankles.
Little John raises his stick and the boys drop to the ground.
CERIS, Furiously : Get your hands off my children !
Little John looks down at the boys in exasperation as the youngest drops a large rock on his head from above. Little John looks up, then crashes unconscious to the ground. The Sheriff sighs in satisfaction, looks up and nods to the youngest.
SHERIFF : Good. Right, you tie up the oaf, I’ll go find the stash.
The Sheriff starts past her, but Ceris holds up her stick at his chest.
CERIS : Er... we’ll find the stash. [Lifts the Sheriff ‘s chin with the stick] Boys, tie up the big man.
Ceris looks up at her youngest and smiles, then goes back to camp. The Sheriff follows as the boys start to tie up Little John.
Ceris and the Sheriff run inside the camp and start tearing the place apart, looking for treasure. The Sheriff tosses bushel baskets aside. Ceris pulls things off the shelves in the kitchen and finds a chest.
CERIS : Aha-ha !
They both cackle. The Sheriff goes over to her.
CERIS : Take that.
They pull out the chest by a handle each and set it down. Ceris opens it : empty. Ceris stands up, hands on hips, and glares at the Sheriff.
SHERIFF : Yes, well, he does give to the poor.
The Sheriff slams the lid down and points into the kitchen.
SHERIFF : There ! There !
Robin and Much run.
The Sheriff pulls a curtain down.
Robin hops over a rock in the path. Much is falling behind.
Ceris looks through the kitchen. The Sheriff pulls apart the beds.
SHERIFF : Come on, Hood. I know it.
Much fights to keep up. Robin runs down a slope.
SHERIFF : It’s here somewhere. [Pulls out a heavy cloth under the bed, revealing a chest behind it] Ahhh-ha !
Ceris comes over as the Sheriff drags out the heavy chest.
CERIS : Yes !
They both open the chest. Ceris laughs maniacally and claps.
CERIS : Come to mamma !
The Sheriff looks up and falls to his knees. Ceris picks up a silver bowl and kisses it.
SHERIFF : Don’t slobber over it, woman !
The Sheriff throws out handfuls of treasure and coins as Ceris claps her hands and looks up, then she sees the Sheriff tossing everything out in large handfuls.
CERIS : Don’t ! You stupid old man ! Oh !
Ceris darts behind the chest to retrieve the loot. The Sheriff pulls out a scroll and holds it up as Ceris desperately scoops up the goods and puts them back in.
SHERIFF, Quietly : Ah. In one day, I have been a rich man, a poor man, a beggar man, and now a thief !
The boys run away from a now-conscious Little John, whose hands and knees are bound together.
LITTLE JOHN, Roars : Traitors ! [Falls over.]
SHERIFF : Yes ! And so young !
The Sheriff laughs as an arrow hits right by his foot. Another arrow sails over Little John lying on the ground. Little John looks behind him. The arrow quivers on the other side of the Sheriff‘s foot, then a third takes the wig off his head and pins it to a post. The Sheriff glances back at the wig, then out at the forest and sees Robin running down the hill into camp.
SHERIFF : Hood !
As he’s running, Robin pulls another arrow out of his quiver. Ceris runs to her boys, picking up a knife as she goes, grabbing the oldest round the shoulders and holding him in front of her. She brandishes the knife at Robin, who is running past Little John as he nocks his arrow.
CERIS : Please, please don’t shoot. Think of the children.
Robin shoots, knocking the knife from her hand. He runs in drawing another arrow at her as the Sheriff sidesteps towards the kitchen. Ceris gathers her boys around her as Much comes in after Robin and points his sword at the Sheriff.
MUCH : Out of my kitchen.
Djaq is back and starts to cut Little John loose with her sword.
ROBIN : You really need to work on your parenting skills. [Turns the bow to the Sheriff] And you... you shouldn’t be out so late.
Much passes Robin and holds his sword to Ceris and the boys.
MUCH : Back up.
Djaq enters and holds her sword to them, too.
SHERIFF : You can’t touch me, Hood, hm ? Not unless you want your beloved, stinking, poor, whingeing paupers to burn.
ROBIN : Nobody’s burning anything.
SHERIFF : Oh, you have to get me back to Nottingham by... sunset ?
The Sheriff chuckles as Little John comes up unseen behind him.
SHERIFF : And there’s nothing you can do about it !
The Sheriff turns around right into Little John’s fist and spins round to the floor. Robin lowers his weapon and flips the arrow out to hold it against the bow. Little John scowls down at him.
LITTLE JOHN : Confused he will be.
Gisborne finds Marian.
GISBORNE : Marian, we’re out of time. What’s your decision ?
MARIAN : Well, I’m not going to walk out on these people.
GISBORNE : So you’re going to stay ?
MARIAN : Yes !
GISBORNE, Glares at Marian in frustration with tears welling up : Woman ! Your wilfulness will kill you !
Gisborne rushes away in fury as Marian watches, then contemplates her own future, resolved to stay.
The golden sun is sinking towards the horizon in a brilliant orange sky. The horsemen are lined up all around the town. Ground troops stand ready, lighting torches from one to another. Jasper sits on his horse in front of them.
JASPER, Sucks in his breath : Ooh, it’s getting cold. Shall we light a fire ? Get those gates open !
Jasper moves his horse forward. The men on foot follow. The gates open. Gisborne walks out on his horse and stops in front of Jasper at the far end of the bridge. They stare at each other a moment, then Gisborne glances at the troops.
JASPER : And the woman... Marian... is she leaving with you ?
GISBORNE, Holds his head high a moment, then looks down : She will not abandon Nottingham.
JASPER, Laughs evilly : Imbecile.
GISBORNE, Thinks a moment : And without her... my world may as well turn to ash.
Gisborne turns his horse around.
Gisborne bursts in through the upper doors.
GISBORNE : Marian !
The townsfolk inside gasp and draw their weapons. Marian makes her way forward. Gisborne looks down at her from the balcony.
MARIAN : You came back !
GISBORNE : If I’m going to die, I’m going to die by your side.
Marian smiles. Will, behind her, draws his sword.
GISBORNE : To arms !
Gisborne draws his sword and the men rush outside.
Troops advance in the failing light, their torches shining.
Allan runs towards the castle gate just ahead of the troops.
ALLAN : They’re coming ! They’re coming !
Jasper follows a few paces behind him. Allan runs through the castle gate.
ALLAN : Gates shut ! Get it closed !
The gates close behind him.
Robin rides towards town with the Sheriff draped over another horse as the sun approaches the horizon.
Horsemen with torches follow Jasper down the street towards the castle gate.
Will takes a place just inside the door and flips his hand axe out to have both weapons ready. More men line the corridor towards the Great Hall. On the balcony, Marian takes Gisborne’s hand and stands by his side. Gisborne glances at her.
GISBORNE, Quietly : Marry me now. And make it the last thing we do. [Looks back at her] Let’s steal that from them at least.
Marian gives a half-smile, not knowing how to refuse.
SHERIFF, Roars from outside : Gisborne !
Gisborne turns his head, then dashes out.
Robin is sitting on a horse in the back of the marketplace. The Sheriff shuffles forward in the street with a sack still over his head.
SHERIFF : Gisborne ! Gisborne ! [Limps forward and pulls the sack off.]
Gisborne hurries towards the gateway. Jasper comes over to the Sheriff.
JASPER : You’re alive !
SHERIFF : Don’t you just stand there ! You give me that damned seal !
Jasper hurriedly pulls out his book and opens it. The Sheriff scratches a mark into a wax square with his fingernail.
SHERIFF to Gisborne : One day. I’m away for [hold up his finger] one day... [Robin starts his horse and walks it out of town]... and look at it ! Huh ? [Turns around] Look at it ! [Walks back to a staring Jasper] Are you still here ?
JASPER : No. No, my lord. [to the troops] You heard him ! Stand down !
The horsemen walk out as the Sheriff replaces his tooth and limps to Gisborne.
GISBORNE : My lord, what happened ? Where did you go ?
The Sheriff limps past him into the courtyard.
SHERIFF : I just thought I’d see how you’d cope without me for a day.
GISBORNE : Hood found you ?
GISBORNE : He could still be here. We could still get him.
SHERIFF : No, no! I don’t need him any more ! Single-handedly, eh, I single-handedly managed to infiltrate Hood’s secret camp and retrieve the pact ! Ha-ha ! [Pats behind his back] The pact, ha-ha... [Pats his trousers] The pact ! The pact ! No... [Grabs Gisborne’s shoulders] The pact ! The pact ! Get him ! Get after him !
Gisborne rushes out the gate.
Robin puts the pact back in the chest, sits on the lid and chuckles at Little John, who is standing quietly nearby.
ROBIN : Well, that’s the paperwork done.
LITTLE JOHN, Steps over to Robin : Yeah. It’s my fault we nearly lost that thing.
Robin just looks at him, listening.
LITTLE JOHN : If the Sheriff finds this camp again, I will never forgive myself. I’ve been a fool, Robin. [Robin nods slightly.] I’m sorry I disobeyed your orders.
ROBIN : You’re a good man, John... [Little John turns his head and scoffs silently] ... who cares about his fellow men. Never, ever apologise for that. [Stands, shakes Little John’s hand and pats his shoulder.]
The others are sitting just outside round a campfire.
MUCH : Robin, you don’t really think the Sheriff was sleepwalking, do you ?
ROBIN, Laughs, Walking towards the entrance : Nothing that man does would surprise me. [Hangs from a beam.]
MUCH : I’m sorry... no. No-one can ride a horse in their sleep.
DJAQ, Points a finger at Much : Ah. I knew a man once who got up, milked all his goats and then went right back to bed, all in his sleep.
WILL : What ?
MUCH : What ?
DJAQ : It’s true ! His wife saw it. [Stands.]
WILL : And didn’t she wake him up ?
DJAQ : Are you mad ? [Steps through the lads to the camp] She went out and bought six more goats.
All laugh.