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YvonneOnEllen et Emmy4Yvonne

Can we make a difference?

Since joining Twitter, I have united with my fellow Chuckaholics on a couple of different campaigns centered around the show’s leading lady, Yvonne Strahovski. She is a wonderful actress, but because the show doesn’t get NCIS-size ratings and viewers, her work often goes unnoticed, except by her fans.

Recently, the best episode in Chuck’s history of the show, well at least the best episode for Yvonne’s character, Sarah Walker, was rerun on NBC. My two campaigns sort of collided on that night. Allow me to explain.

Since Chuck vs. The Phase Three episode aired Nov. 22, a twitter campaign was born #Emmy4Yvonne. Phase Three was a “Sarah-centric” episode on her quest to find her captured love, Chuck (the guy the show is named after). Yvonne plays it beautifully. She can scare you with her interrogation tactics to get Chuck’s whereabouts, make you cry in the tender moments of missing Chuck and make you cower with her kick-butt fighting skills on her quest through Thailand to find Chuck before it’s too late. Yvonne can do it all, and to an amazing degree.

The Australian actress has been great on the show since the pilot. It was her first big break in America. Her story of getting the job is a fairy tale, being in America for only three days before being snatched up by the Chuck producers, and I can see why. You wouldn’t know she was Australian when watching the show, though, as she speaks in an American accent flawlessly. Chuck fans have noticed her skills and Phase Three was the final proof.

The Emmy4Yvonne campaign is now in Phase Two trying to the word and get the Emmy committee to take notice. You can donate to the cause, tweet your support, Like the campaign on Facebook and purchase apparel to spread the word further and without a computer. Visit the website emmy4yvonne.com to find out more.

OK, camping #2, this slightly different that the Emmy4Yvonne campaign. The #YvonneOnEllen campaign has been going on for almost a year, which precedes my Chuck fandom. It was started by 10-year-old Bailey whose handle on Twitter is @LittleChuckFan. She is a huge Chuck fan and loves Yvonne Strahovski. Her favorite talk show is the Ellen DeGeneras show and she really wants Yvonne to be a guest. (It would make sense for Yvonne to be on Ellen because both shows are filmed on the WB lot, but hey maybe that’s just me). While LittleChuckFan has never received any acknowledgement from the Ellen Show, she is not giving up.

During the Jan. 10 rerun of Phase Three, LittleChuckFan hosted a #TweetNWatch for her campaign. Here’s here tweet “Calling all CHUCK fans!! Mark your calendars and show your support for @Y_Strahovski #TweetNWatch Jan. 10, 2011 https://twitpic.com/3ndvu4” She sent that out Jan. 5 and reminded all her followers multiple times until the show aired. (As an aside, Bailey has 2,929 followers which is pretty impressive for a 10-year-old, but I digress).

I decided to jump onboard with #YvonneOnEllen participated in Monday’s TweetNWatch, sending 10 tweets throughout the hour segment. The only requirement is to put #YvonneOnEllen tag on all the tweets and mention @TheEllenShow when you can. I had fun tweeting during the awesome episode; however, @TheEllenShow never responded or acknowledged the bombardment of tweets that hit them during the show. That’s a bit of a bummer.

I found out that Yvonne is aware of the campaign because LittleChuckFan told her when she met her at the ChuckFests. She’s a very ambitious 10 year old. It will be interesting keeping tabs on the campaign to see if the Ellen Show will listen.

So, will anything come of these two campaigns? The honest answer is, who the heck knows! But Chuck fans are trying to make people sit up and take notice and reward Yvonne Strahovski for her amazing work. Hopefully other people will notice too. After all, it’s only because of its fans that Chuck remains on the air after launching the Save Chuck campaign two years ago to stop NBC from canceling it. That’s a cool kind of power when you think about it.

P.S. My siblings would say I’m Chuck obsessed, and I can’t deny it.

C'était un article à propos des campagnes #YvonneOnEllen (pour qu'elle passe dans l'émission d'Ellen DeGeneres) et #Emmy4Yvonne (pour qu'elle concourt à l'Emmy).

Ecrit par Nicofac 
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