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Yvonne parfaite en Miss Marvel ?

EDITORIAL: Why Yvonne Strahovski Is Perfect For The Role Of Ms. Marvel!

Here is my take on why I think that the beautiful leading lady of Chuck  is the best possible choice to bring Ms. Marvel to life on the big screen...

Ms. Marvel is a character that I’ve never been a huge fan of. Why? I’m not really sure. Regardless of whether it’s in the classic Avengers stories, her own solo series which recently came to an end or her stint in the New Avengers, I’ve just never cared all that much for her. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I dislike the character! In fact, there are many story arcs that I could mention really enjoying her presence in! Regardless of the fact that I’m not her biggest fan, I have enjoyed a lot of the stuff that they’ve been doing with the Ms. Marvel recently (especially her developing relationship with Spider-Man) and I’m looking forward to seeing what her role will be in the upcoming Heroic Age. I don’t think that matters though because I just want to see Carol Danvers make her way onto the big screen.

Marvel are yet to bring any of their prominent female superheroes to the big screen (yeah, I tend to try and pretend that the awful Elektra was never made) and the upcoming Avengers movie is the perfect chance for them to introduce one of their most popular, Ms. Marvel. Despite her background with the CIA and NASA, they could easily introduce her as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, as they have in the Ultimate universe, and then expand her role in future movies by giving her powers in either a similar way to the comic books or in a way that works better in the movie universe that Marvel Studios are building film by film. I’d love to see solo movies focusing on more of the female superheroes but first there needs to be a character who’ll both help start that trend and appeal to both the male and female audience. And in my opinion, it’s Yvonne Strahovski who’s the right choice to do exactly that.

First things first, Strahovski looks absolutely perfect for this role. I think it’s fair to say that she’s one of the most beautiful actresses out there and so I never really understand why people suggest Ali Larter when she has a much ‘nastier’ look to her which I would say is far better suited to a villain like Moonstone - a character who funnily enough has actually been impersonating Ms. Marvel during Marvel’s Dark Reign storyline. Anyway, my point is that the Chuck star is far more like how I imagine the beautiful and heroic Ms. Marvel should look. She’s also the right build in my opinion. Now I’m sure that there are plenty of people (myself included, lol!) who’d love to see characters like this one, Spider-Woman and Emma Frost all appear on the big screen with the same gigantic boobs that artists like Terry Dodson and Fran Cho give them but is that really important? Most definitely not. At 5'9.5" with a great figure, I don’t think that Strahovski would have to try all that hard to keep the guys in the audience happy!

She may have limited acting experience but her role as CIA spy, Sarah in Chuck has given her the chance to display a varied amount of acting skills that many any other actors who may have a resume that’s twice as long would struggle to display as well as she does. Strahovski has had the chance to perform plenty of her own stunts in the show in a huge amount of action scenes which would be a great asset in playing a character who uses her fists just as much as her powers. Regardless of whether it would be a role in The Avengers or her own solo movie, a part like Ms. Marvel would require a lot of physicality on the same scale as a role like Superman does. An actress like Strahovski who has experience of this would be a great help in making the character look as good an authentic as possible in a live action setting.

It may be a surprise to many of you who have perhaps only caught the odd glimpse of her on TV that she’s actually Australian! However, have no fear because this is no female Sam Worthington we’re talking about here! I watched the first two seasons of Chuck before I discovered an interview on YouTube where she spoke in a strong Aussie accent but I’m yet to hear even a little of that slip through into the flawless American accent that she displays on a weekly basis. And as odd as it sounds, voice is important when it comes to playing a character such as this one. Her military background (regardless of whether that’s altered to S.H.I.E.L.D or fully explored) should play a big part in the way the character is portrayed. As Strahovski already plays this sort of character in Chuck, it may see like typecasting to then suggest her for a similar type of role ,but in my eyes this just goes to show that she has the necessary experience to pull it off! In fact, check out some of her, ahem, best bits!

More important than all of that now is whether can she actually act! Well, yes she most definitely can. As I said above, Chuck has given her the chance to show off a diverse range of acting skills. Not only can Strahovski pull off a militaristic, strong woman but she’s also more than capable of playing a likeable, sweet girl next door type character as well. I may have spent a lot of time above talking about how important it is that Strahovski can pull off the stunts and tougher side of Ms. Marvel but it is admittedly just as important that she brings some depth to the character by making her as likeable as she is in the comic books. I believe that she’s more than capable of portraying an accurate and fresh take on a live action version of Ms. Marvel and could easily hold her own if she were given the chance to play the character in a solo movie. She may only be a TV actress is some people’s eyes but a role like this would surely propel her into the big time and she’s a great enough actress that she more than deserve such an opportunity!

In my opinion, Strahovski is the right actress, and best choice, to get the perfect balance of all of these elements in order to bring Ms. Marvel to life on the big screen!
Ecrit par Nicofac 
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